EW Pt 4

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Flipping the penny, Lena strode across the mansion floors. "How neat is this?" She smirked at her ghost father. "I've got everything I could possibly want." With a small skip in her step, she rearranged things in the mansion with her magic. "I freed you, trapped Fethry in this little coin, and now I even have my own mansion. Quite a step up from that dirty amphitheater at the beach." She nudged Poe, only for her elbow to slide through his ghostly form. Looking up at him, she frowned. Those cold, dead eyes stared back at her. Despite freeing him, he was still dead. Lena couldn't do anything about that.

"Lena, this is ridiculous." Lena groaned at her aunts voice. Magica chased after them, picking up her skirt. "You can't just take revenge on a whole town."

Lena spun to face her. "Uh, yes I can, and I did. And you're welcome for your body back."

Magica shook her head. "I only ever became a shadow to stick closer to you. I was trying to keep you out of trouble, and clearly, I failed. End this."

"Nah." Lena scrunched her beak, smiling. With the wave of her hand, a purple cage formed around Magica.

"Lena!" Magica glared at her niece, careful not to touch the bars of the electrified cage. Her gaze softened, giving up. She looked at Poe, a bittersweet expression on her face.


She turned up at Poe's voice. "Yes?"

"Is... Is it really you?" Staring up at him, her heart sank. Poe was broken, separated from her world entirely. She didn't know what she could do to help him. He had died when she was too young to remember him much. She had only known that she wanted him back more than anything.

"Yes." She couldn't take her eyes off him. He was there. She was there. And yet neither of them were really there, with him as a ghost and her as a shadow. Both trying to pose as real.

A fighting grunt drew her back to reality. A team of shadows burst through the door, carrying an aggravated Donald. She put on a smile. "Oh, good! He's here!" She motioned for Poe to wait before skipping off to greet Donald.

"Lena? What's going on?" Donald yanked his arms from the shadows, who dropped him a few inches from the ground. He managed to catch himself on his feet.

Flashing him a grin, Lena clasped her hands together. "I brought you here to reward you!" She straightened. "I am a duck of my word, and even though your help was utterly useless to me and I got the penny all on my own, I figured why not give you what you want."

With a glare, he crossed his arms. "I wasn't working for you, I was working for that Miss De Spell lady."

"Surprise! It was Lena all along," she told in a singsong tone. Pacing in front of him, her beak curved in a smug expression. "I'm not dumb enough to lay out all my cards at once. Could you imagine how you would've treated me if you knew it was just a teenager telling you what to do?" Donald took a step forward, clenching his fists, but Lena paused him with the twirl of her finger. "Of course, I'm still just as dangerous as you thought 'Miss De Spell' was." She released him.

Donald loosened rolling his eyes. "Should've known." His eyes wandered to Poe behind her. Though he tried to hide it, Lena could tell he was somewhat intimidated by the ghost. That gave her a bit of pride. "What exactly is this reward anyways?"

"Anything you want." She shrugged. "I've already got what I want. You can have the mansion, or one of those nicknames downstairs or something. I can even give you some of Fethry's family secrets. Webby pretty much blabbed me all their life stories. So?" She looked at him curiously.

He glanced around, thinking. "What about who ratted me out to the cops? You didn't happen to learn that, did you?"

"I think Webby said it was Huey." Lena didn't think it was that important, but if that's what Donald wanted. At least she got to keep the mansion.

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