TFPoA22 Pt 2

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Bradford finally stopped the car near a rocky cliff overlooking the bay. Webby climbed out of the car, clutching her doll close. "Where are we?"

"A place I'd hoped I'd never return," Bradford said. He waved for her to follow and led the way.

A towering light house stood on top of the cliff. Down about half a mile away at the bottom of the cliff was a house. It was small and worn, like it hadn't been used in years. It had a familiarity to Webby. It made her breathing heavy. She'd been here before. And yet she couldn't remember when.



"Will you hold my hand?"

"Of course."

She took his hand and together they walked up to the lighthouse. The wind whipped at her legs, giving her the chills. She pulled her strewn hair out of her face. Only a moment passed, but it extended for eternity. They reached the door and Bradford knocked.

"Who's there?" a voice came back.

Bradford rolled his eyes. "You know who I am and you know why I'm here."

The door opened, revealing a tall dog. He looked down at the two and smirked. "Bradford. Didn't think you'd ever be back here."

"Me neither, but Beakley called."

Webby's eyes widened. She knew that name. Once, a long time ago.

"Step in, she's eager to see you. Or rather, the girl." The dog opened the door wider and the two stepped inside. Webby stood closer to Bradford, intimidated by how threatening everything looked in here. Upon closer inspection, she wasn't even sure this was a lighthouse. There were tables with assorted gadgets and plans. The lighting was red, adding to her fears.

Bradford led Webby up the stairs of the lighthouse. At the top was room, the door opened. Webby moved to stand behind Bradford. An older duck stood in the doorframe, dressed in purple. Webby couldn't help but feel like she was familiar. That made her more nervous, giving her hot flashes.

"Bradford, it's been a while! How are you?" The woman smiled, but not in a friendly way.

"Let's just get this over with. What do you want?" Bradford narrowed his eyes at her.

"Fine. I want..." Her eyes wandered toward Webby, and the little duckling shrunk behind the butler. "Webby! My, you're so big!" Without warning, the woman scooped Webby up.

She let out a yelp. "D-do I know you?"

The woman set Webby down, tilting her head. "You don't remember me?" She glanced at Bradford, who just rolled his eyes. She knelt down to the duckling's level. "Webby, I'm you're grandmother."


The party was only 30 minutes in and it was already losing its vibe. Huey couldn't let this night go bad. The red triplet noticed the guest of honor staying off to the side, not talking with anyone. It was kind weird to see the guy who often snuck into parties he wasn't even invited to for the publicity to suddenly be so anti-party. He stepped over to his cousin.

"Hey, Feathry, what's up?"

"Just wishing this party wasn't happening," he said, giving Huey a look.

He blew a raspberry. "Pft! Nonsense, this party is great!" Feathry rolled his eyes, his head resting on his fist. Huey grabbed a cup from the snack table and held it out to the older duck. "Here, maybe you just need to drink some wate-"

"NO!" Feathry smacked the cup out of his hand, making the boy flinch. Water spilt on the carpet. They exchanged a look. Feathry cleared his throat. "I mean, uh, no thank you Huey. Hehe." He avoided eye contact.

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