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Bradford had just finished putting Webby to bed and was making himself some tea when he heard the front door slam.


He stirred his tea with a small spoon and took a sip of the warm drink. It was only moments later when Feathry burst in to the kitchen with fire in his eyes. The buzzard had to refrain from smirking. The triplets tagged behind Feathry, snickering.

"Bradford, you twisted turnip!" Feathry stomped towards Bradford, glaring.

"She did always have a knack for those strange insults, huh?" Bradford said, glancing sideways at his boss. "So, I assume she was there then?"

"Why did you invite Mittsy, the bane of my existence, to my party!" Feathry threw his hands up dejectedly.

"You mean your GIRLFRIEND!" Huey sang from the doorway.

Dewey and Louie prodded on, "Feathry and Mittsy, sitting in a tree!"

Feathry sighed and face palmed. "Boys, go to bed." He turned back to Bradford. He coughed into his fist, trying to hide his smile. Feathry rolled his eyes. "Explain yourself Mr. Buzzard." Bradford opened his mouth to speak, but the duck interrupted him. "And don't give nonsense like 'You were happier when you were with her' or whatever, because you know what she did? She yelled at me. The whole time. And now Goldie has set up some weird date for us and this is making neither of us happy!"

Bradford set his tea on the counter and raised an eyebrow. "Are you done?" Feathry nodded. "Good. Goldie told me it was a small expedition, and I thought it wold be nice to at least see you two on talking terms again. You're the one putting the date label on it."

"Oooooooooooh!" The triplets each had goofy grins on their faces, eyeing Feathry.

"Huey, Dewey, and Louie Duck! Bed!" Feathry threw his hands up, not bothering to look at them. The boys ran off, giggling. Bradford sipped his tea loudly.

"You think you're so clever, don't you?" Feathry crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at the older bird. But Bradford wasn't too thrown off by it, he had expected this. "With your sneaky little plan. Well, guess what? I am gong to spend a whole day with her tomorrow, and by the end of it, we will still hate each other and prove you and Goldie wrong! Ha!" A snarky smile lit up his face and he turned to leave.

Bradford went on drinking his tea, his hands warm. Feathry threw shut the kitchen door behind him, leaving the vulture in pleasant silence. A smirk crossed his face. He could read Feathry like a book for little kids and big pictures. He had a pretty good guess at what would happen tomorrow.


Mittsy packed a backpack of supplies, slipped on her favorite sweater, and headed to Killmotor Hill. She had two water bottles, a few granola bars, a knife (just in case), and a small caramel candy Hans had put in there.

It wasn't long before she found herself at the front door. Her feet turned stone on the welcome mat. Her fist raised, she couldn't bring herself to knock.She bit her lip. Just one little "adventure", she reminded herself. Of course, that's what she had said last night, until Mrs. McDuck through a wrench in her plans.

She winced and made her knuckles hit the door. It opened and she was surprised to see Gladdy there instead of Feathry. He was wearing a bath robe, toothbrush in hand and a quizzically expression on his face.

"Mittus Operandi, didn't expect you to be at the door," he said, greeting her with a smile.

She hot him finger guns with a weird smirk on her face. "Yeah, me neither... I didn't know you lived here."

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