The Final Fight of Brothers Pt 1

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"SPONTANEOUS FAMILY TRIP!" Gladdy whooped loudly into a megaphone, pumping his fists in the air. Huey covered his toaster's ears.

They stood out in the driveway while everyone else was finishing putting their bags in the jeep. Warm sun welcomed them to their new day. The bright red cargo plane sat open just ahead of them. Launchpad was struggling to shove the last suit case in the back, and Fethry was helping, Bradford complaining about how they didn't need that much stuff.

Webby stepped out of the house, a small bag strapped across her chest. "Where are we going again?" She looked up at Gladdy, standing between him and Huey, Bready in his arms.

"WE'RE GOING-" Realizing he still had the megaphone on, Gladdy brought it lower and turned it off. "We're going to Monocrow!"

"And why the Jeep? I thought we were going by plane."

"Well, we're gonna need a car when we get there, so we'll just put the Jeep in the plane."

Huey and Webby exchanged a look before shrugging. Gladdy walked off to go help Fethry help Launchpad with the car trunk.

Stepping down the stairs came Dewey and Louie, refusing to look at each other. Huey rolled his eyes, telling where this was going. "Huey, can you tell Dewey that it is totally reasonable to bring four sets of pajamas on our trip?"

Huey let out a groan, tugging at his hat. Webby frowned. Noted: Dewey and Louie were still mad at each other.

"Well, tell Louie that we're only going for a week, so that is an unruly amount of pajamas to bring." Dewey crossed his arms, stepping ahead of Louie down the steps.

"Ugh! Even I know this is a stupid argument!" Huey marched off towards the plane, his brothers' argument tagging along unwelcome. Ever since the situation at castle McDuck, they'd been like this. Huey was getting exhausted of their constant arguing, especially when they wrapped him up in the middle of it. Hopefully they wouldn't annoy the red triplet on their vacation.


"No, wait, we can make it fit." Fethry grunted, pressing down on the trunk of the Jeep. Bradford shook his head at the sight. Launchpad pressed his shoulder into the car in unison with his boss. Gladdy gave them a wavering thumbs up.

Finally, they heard a click, telling them they had somehow shut it. Fethry put his hands on his hips, smirking at Bradford. "See, I told you we could do it. Easy peasy."

"Yes, easy peasy." Bradford didn't sound convinced.

"Nice job, Feths!" Gladdy approached Fethry.

He stopped his cousin, extending his arms. "Careful, Gladdy! Don't want your bad luck to make it pop open or explode or something." Fethry walked Gladdy back a few steps.

"Are you sure it's even safe to bring him on the plane?" Launchpad asked, leaning against the car. Fethry gave Gladdy an awkward grin, hoping it hadn't come across too harsh.

"Not to worry, cous." To Fethry's surprise, Gladdy smiled. "I'm actually bad luck free today." He walked past Fethry and pat the back of the Jeep. "See?" The back popped open, spilling half the contents and hitting Launchpad in the back of the head. Fethry frowned, sagging at the sight of his work undone. Gladdy stared at the mess. "Well, that wasn't actually my fault, that was due to your poor packing skills. But the point still stands. I temporarily don't have Murphy's law."

"One, my packing skills are great, and two, how?" Fethry raised an eyebrow skeptically.

Gladdy folded his hands as he talked. "Well, there's this whole thing with this eclipse for magic and curses and stuff. It makes magic wonky, and there's some weird imbalance in power that changes depending on random circumstances. The eclipse is in four days, and my curse gets weaker. So, until the eclipse passes, I've got no bad luck. Make sense?"

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