EW Pt 3

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The eclipse washed over the city of Duckburg. The winds picked up. Few people noted the change in the air. A duo of scientists watched it from their office window at Waddle. A small smile crossed Mrs. McDuck's face as she found the eclipse very pretty. Glomgold was watching it from his backyard with protective blacked out glasses. Doofus missed it, as his brother had locked him in the closet. And a young hummingbird girl didn't bother a second glance at it as she walked across the sandy beach, backpack strapped over her shoulder. The eclipse seemed nothing more than that: an astronomic phenomenon that would come and go.

The winds grew unusually strong, and the sky unusually dark. But everyone figured it was simply the eclipse. Were their shadows stretching longer? Just a trick of the light. Was the eclipse glowing? Nah, eclipses do that. It's actually kind of bright...

And then there was the giant swirling shadow vortex hanging over the Duck mansion.

No one could really explain that one.

Oh, and also peoples' shadows were coming to life and attacking them. That might be problematic.


Gladdy stared up to the mansion, eyes wide. He hadn't seen anything like that since... "De Spell!" Turning on his heals, he turned to face the rest of the confused family. "You guys, I think Fethry might be in danger!"

"You think?" Louie crossed his arms. Just as the words left his mouth, their shadows stretched and morphed. The kids jumped back startled. The shadows wore evil grins, moving as if they were laughing before flying off with the rest of the shadows.

Pacing, Gladdy began panicking. "Magica's back and terrorizing Duckburg! I thought she was one of the good guys! What's going on!"

Bradford nodded along, thinking it over. Gladdy could only hope to be as level haded as the old bird. "This looks like her magic, but there's something different about it..." He looked up, the kids' curious and eager eyes landing on him. "Gladdy and I will be back." After waving for Gladdy to follow, they started in the direction of the mansion.

"Wait! What's going on? Who's Magica?" Huey called after them.

Motioning for Bradford to wait for him, Gladdy came back to answer their questions. "Magica was a very powerful sorcerous back when Feathry and I were kids. She and her brother mostly dealt with shadow magic, but she was more of a protector of bad magic than anything. I wonder why she's going after Feathry now."

Louie approached him. "Can we come?"

Looking over them, Gladdy remembered when his own uncle had gone up against Magica. When they had decided to tag along, it hadn't ended well. He shook his head. "No, you guys gotta stay here. Trust me, this magic stuff is messy."


Gladdy gave them the sternest look he could (though even that didn't look very stern). "Stay put." After patting them each on the head, he ran off to Bradford and the duo started the walk towards the mansion.

Despite only being a few minutes since the start of the shadow chaos, the streets were in disarray with people running from their own shadows and cars scattered and flipped about. Bradford and Gladdy snuck by the mess, racing up the road to the mansion. They were at viewing distance fro the front gate. Roof ripped from it and chunks of the home missing, it stood. Gladdy frowned at the mess. This really was Feathry's 13th birthday all over again, wasn't it?

Shadows past to and fro in front of the gate and around the walls. Finding a place to hide behind a tree, they pulled themselves together. "How are we going to get in?" Gladdy looked to Bradford for answers.

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