BBS Pt 4

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After the heated argument with Launchpad, Louie decided to cool off by helping Mark with his project. When Louie got to Waddle asking if he could help, Mark just sat him down on a chair and let him watch. Louie exchanged a look with Owlson, who seemed to be doing the same thing: sitting there being bored while Mark refused to let anyone help. Louie wished he was doing something more interesting.

As if in answer to Louie's wish, Dewey burst through the door, screaming and looking out of breath at the same time. Louie sat up, startled. "Dewey, what is it?" Dewey shook his hands, trying to portray to his brother why he was freaking out. After a strange game of charades and cries, Louie was able to make it out. "Oh! Gizmo Duck turned out to be a fraud and he put a live bomb in town that he plans to disable this afternoon at the mayor's office?" Dewey nodded rapidly, panting.

Owlson looked up from her phone an shared a confused expression with Mark. "Uh, how did you get that from that?"

"Well, when you're Dewey's brother for ten years..." Louie shrugged.

"Louie, we have to do something!" Dewey had finally gotten a hold of himself, bouncing on his knees.

"Right." Louie smacked his fist on his palm. He spun around to face the parrot. "Mark, you're an adult. What do you say we do?"

Mark was back on his project, fixing up the helmet. "Hang on a sec, kids, I'm almost done with this..." Sticking out his tongue, he tightened a bolt for the visor. "Once it's done, I'm gonna shove this right in Gearloose's dumb face, and when mine is better than his, he's gonna have to admit that I'm the better inventor!"

"Did yo hear anything Dewey just said- or acted? Gizmo Duck's been faking being a hero."

"He is? Even more reason mine is better!"

Louie rolled his eyes with a sigh. Maybe you're not an adult. Grabbing the blueprints, he compared them to Mark's suit. "I think you messed up on the size."

Mark shook his head. "Impossible. How could I-" He stopped, stepping back to see the suit in totality. He took the blueprints from Louie. "Oh shoot, I made it the wrong size." Mark began to circle the blue and white mechanism. "This won't fit me at all! It's too small! How could I make such a stupid mistake!" He smacked his hand to his forehead, a frown on his beak.

Owlson got up and came to look over the suit also. "Hey, I bet I could fit it! I could wear it!"

"That's as ridiculous as me messing up on the size." Crossing his arms, he rolled his eyes at her.

"And why's that?" Zan put her hands on her hips, glaring.

"Because you're too incompetent to man a fine piece of machinery like this."

"Excuse me!" She put a hand to her chest, offended. Jeremy's bulb turned red at Mark insulting his self appointed mother. The small robot charged Mark and attempted to bite him before remembering her didn't have teeth.

"All you ever do is mess up. Why would I trust you with something I put so much time and effort into?" Mark nudged Jeremy away with his foot.

"All I ever do is mess up? I basically make this company run! And I'm not the one with some stupid grudge because someone copied off your kindergarten homework!"

"It was more important than kindergarten homework, Zan!"

"Whatever. You're so stuck up, Mark. Haven't you ever heard of yolo?"

The helmet to Mark's suit lit up. "Password programmed: yolo."

Mark stared at it with wide eyes. "What! I didn't tell it to do that!" He let his arms sag. "No, now whenever I wanna a use it, you have to say yolo. That's so dumb!"

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