TMoS Pt 2

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Lena made her way up to Duck mansion. All week she had found herself in a rut, unable to think of new ways to get that penny. Her attempt with Donald hadn't exactly been ideal, and she couldn't ask her aunt for help because she probably wouldn't and just tell her they were all bad ideas. So Lena decided a break might be in order. She could hang out with Webby today.

She didn't even have to go to the door, because she saw Webby, along with Dewey and someone else she had never met, outside and climbing into a plane.

Webby's face lit up when she saw her friend. "Lena! Hi!" She waved wildly, a grin on her face.

Lena shot finger guns. "Hey Pink. I was bored, so I thought I'd come see what you're doing. Whatcha doing?"

Webby clapped her hands together. "Oh, we're going to this place called Ithaquack for... stuff. Wanna come?" Dewey waved at her from inside the plane.

"Ithaquack? As in Greek gods Ithaquack?" Lena smiled, actually liking this idea. "Absolutely! I love Greek mythology! Puffin Jackson is only the best book series ever!" She started bouncing up and down on her knees.

Dewey mode to stand next to Webby and whispered something to her. Lena barely made it out. "Are you sure we should take her? I kind of wanted to keep it a secret..."

Webby held up a finger. "Will you excuse me for a moment?" She took Dewey aside and they discussed something. Lena crossed her arms awkwardly, waiting for them to finish. What was all that about? A moment passed and they came back.

"Um, I guess you can come," Dewey said, very clearly avoiding eye contact.

"Oh. Thanks." Lena stiffened, wondering if she was imposing herself on their trip. But they said it was fine, so it was probably fine.

The large duck walked past them and stood between them and the drivers seat. He held out a hand to Webby. "Another passenger means more money." Webby dug in her pocket and came up with a 20. She handed it to him and he smiled. It was unsettling. Lena couldn't help but feel somewhat angry about the exchange she just saw. She would get that pilot back, one way or another.

Lena took a seat and pushed her bangs out of her face. I guess I'm going on an adventure today.

Skipping merrily, Louie Duck made his way down to the Waddle building

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Skipping merrily, Louie Duck made his way down to the Waddle building. A wide grin spread across his face. A whole 24 hours without watching his little brothers! He could do whatever he wanted and he didn't have to adhere to them! No more "But this is boring, Louie!" or "That doesn't seem safe, Lou!"

At least for a day.

When he came up to the door, Owlson was already there, a few paper bags in her hand. Louie grabbed the door for her. She thanked him with a nod and the two walked in together.

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