Beware the B.U.L.L.Y. System Pt 1

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Darkwing Duck reeled back from the punch. He glared at Megavolt. "That all you got?" The hero was clearly in a lot of pain, but he didn't show it. His eyes widened as electricity sparked between Megavolt's fingers. "Of course," Darkwing said dryly. He threw his fist at the rat, only for the latter to duck and electrocute Darkwing in the ribs. He yelped, falling to the hard ground.

Standing over him, Megavolt grinned. "Give up, Darkwing Dork!"

"Never!" Darkwing kicked the villain's feet out from under him. Rising from the floor, Darkwing whipped out his gas gun and took aim. "Suck gas evil doer!"

Dewey's stared at the television set with eyes as wide as his smile. This show was just about the greatest thing he had ever seen. Darkwing Duck was so noble and brave, and everything Dewey wanted to be.

He had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich half way in his mouth, but he was distracted from the bite with the show. He had made the sandwich himself before coming to the garage to ask Launchpad to give him a ride to Waddle where Louie was. Dewey would've preferred a sandwich without crusts, but he didn't like to use knives. So he spread his peanut butter on his bread with a spoon and resided to just suck it up and eat the crusts.

When he had come down to the garage, Launchpad had an old television set playing some old cartoon. Launchpad was getting dressed for the day, so in the mean while, Dewey waited in front of the TV.

Finally take a bite, Dewey pulled himself from the screen. "Hey, Launchpad, what's this show called?"

Launchpad came from behind a curtain, patting down his shirt. He glanced at the TV and, seeing what it was, rolled his eyes. "Ugh. That is Darkwing Duck, the single worst show in all of existence." Dewey had almost forgotten that Launchpad didn't like him after being so stuck on the show.

Dewey frowned, but tried not to let Launchpad get his mood down. "How come I've never heard of it?"

"It only plays in St. Canard, but I get St. Canard TV, so..." The end credits song started playing, and Launchpad grumbled. He shut the TV off.

Dewey was about to complain when he thought over what Launchpad had said. "Wait, St. Canard? As in the most fortified city in the world? I thought no one was allowed in or out, and they're super secretive about everything. How do you get St. Canard cable?"

A smirk crossed Launchpad's face. "No one's allowed in or out without permission. I'm from St. Canard and I know people. Now come on, am I taking you somewhere or not? Quit wasting time talking about that caped loser." Launchpad frowned and started towards the limo.

Grabbing his sandwich, Dewey followed behind. "He's just a fictional character. And he's so heroic! Even when he gets knocked down, he gets back up. I mean, he's so brave to fight all those bad guys!" Dewey was giddy, practically skipping.

Getting the the drivers seat, Launchpad said, "Exactly. He's stupid. What kind of idiot keeps getting up, even when they're clearly defeated? I hate people who don't know when to quit."

Dewey was about to argue more, but a glare from Launchpad shut him up. He sighed and got in the limo.


Deep in an underwater lab, a certain scientist was getting ready to go grab lunch. He tidied up his desk, putting away miscellaneous tools (Did I borrow this screwdriver from someone? Eh, I don't remember, I'll just throw it in the drawer). He shuffled some loose papers, sticking them in a folder. One took one last check of his lab and shrugged. It was clean enough. Stepping towards the door, he flipped off the light switch.

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