The Infernal Internship of Zan Owlison Pt 1

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A/N Hey guys! So, unless it's a big episode, I'll be doing two episodes as one in this fic. Thanks to all the support y'all have given this story and me! This episode is a combo of The Infernal Internship of Mark Beaks and The Great Dime Chase. Enjoy!

Louie bit his lip, cheeks red, and walked along side Feathry and Huey. "So," he laughed awkwardly. "A club was the most appropriate place you could think of to take two ten year old boys?" The green triplet kept his head down and stepped quickly, not wanting to spend more time by the bar than he needed to. Music blared loudly, making it hard for Louie to think straight.

Feathry ignored him and stopped. He glanced down at his phone. "Hang on just a sec, Little Donald."

Louie let out a breath. He turned to talk to his youngest brother, but Huey was nowhere in sight. "Huey?" he called.

"Nice tattoos! Where'd you get it?" Louie spun around to see Huey talking with a man with a tattoo of a naked duck. "You know, I've got a tattoo myself," Huey said, putting on a cool voice. He showed off his arm, which had a scribbled pen drawing of what Louie assumed to be Dewey. But he couldn't really tell.

Louie's eyes widened and he pushed his brother away from the man. "So sorry to bother you sir!" Louie yelped, giving a weird smile. He noticed Huey's bang feathers on fire. He quickly blew them out before it became a problem.

Huey just grinned. "He seemed nice."

Louie and Huey met back up with Feathry. Huey tugged on the older duck's suit. "Hey, cousin Feathry, you said we could get McDuckalds," he said, bending up and down on his knees.

"I know, but first, I'm here to talk to someone," Feathry said, trying to look over the heads of people. His face lit up when he saw a brown haired owl walk towards him.

"Is that Feathry Duck I see?" She walked towards them and shot finger guns at Feathry.

Louie face palmed and sighed. He couldn't have thought to pick a different place to meet?

"Boys, meet Zan Owlison. She's the co-CEO of Waddle and I asked to meet with her about possibly being a spokesman."

Doesn't the company usually reach out and not the spokesman? Louie shook the thought away and turned his attention back to the adults.

Owlison nodded. "Yeppers. Feathry, you didn't tell me you had kids! They're just adorable!" She knelt down to the boys' level and smiled.

Louie looked her over. She wore a loose T-shirt and black yoga pants. This woman was CEO of one of the largest tech companies in the country?

"Say, are you guys twins?" she asked, tilting her head.

"Triplets, actually, but number 2 decided to stay home," Huey said.

"O M Goodness, too cute," she said, putting a hand on her heart. Louie raised an eyebrow at her.

Feathry cleared his throat. "Anyways..."

She stood back to her normal height. "Right. So, about being Waddle's spokesman. Can I get you a drink while we talk?" She proceeded to ask for two drinks, and a man slid them across the counter to her. The two adults sat down, and Huey took a spot next to Feathry.

The boy reached for his cup, but Feathry stopped him. "Nope. That's 'adult juice'." He slid the cup away from the red triplet, and Huey frowned.


Dewey moved as quietly as he could, scanning over his bedroom. Feathry had given it to the boys to share. Huey had complained about sharing, but Dewey liked it. It helped him not to be so afraid of the dark.

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