The House of the Unlucky Gander Pt 1

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Webby rocked her legs back and forth, staring out the window of the limo. Feathry sat next to her and across from them were the boys, Huey upside down and unbuckled. Launchpad was driving them somewhere, Webby wasn't exactly sure. Feathry was on the phone.

Finally he hung up and looked to the triplets. "Well, I've talked with your teachers and cleared you all to skip school today." He scrunched his face. "Also, I think your art teacher has a crush on me. And I may or may not be going on a date with her this weekend."

Huey stuck out his tongue while Dewey clapped his hands together. "Aww!"

"No, I mean, I actually have no clue. It was very confusing," Feathry said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's been a while since we missed school." Louie looked to his brothers.

"Yeah, remember last time!" Huey chuckled, nudging Louie with his foot.

"No one needs to remember last time." Louie's face turned red and he tried to shut his brother's beak unsuccessfully.

"Captain Lost," Dewey snickered quietly. Huey burst laughing.

Webby tilted her head, raising an eyebrow. "I don't get it."

Dewey waved his hand as he spoke. "Well, this one time, it was snowing, but Louie was so determined he knew the way. But we ended up getting-"

"Lost?" Webby still didn't get it.

"Yeah, I guess you sorta had to be there."

Huey grinned. "Captain Lost! Captain Lost!"

"Okay! We get it!" Louie seemed upset, but Webby was sure she saw a smirk cross his face.

"Heh, we got in big trouble after that." Huey smiled sadly.

Dewey rubbed his arms. "Yeah..."

"So where are we going anyway, Mr. Duck?" She turned her attention back to the adult.

"Uh, my cousin Gladstone's. I'm pretty sure I already said that." Feathry readjusted his coat.

"I don't think so."


"Who's that?" Louie asked.

Huey gasped. "A family member Louie hasn't heard of? I bet it's some dark family secret!"

"It's not."

"Uh-huh, sure."

"It's really not. Are you sure you never heard of Gladstone?" Feathry raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms.

"No, I don't think Uncle Donald ever mentioned him and you haven't said anything about him so..." Louie shrugged.

"Weird, Gladstone is like, the only person in this family that doesn't hate everyone else or vice versa. Anyways, he called asking for help. I don't know what he needed help for, the phone cut out before he could say." Feathry chuckled.

Webby was about to ask a question when the vehicle jerked violently and they stopped. She let out a yelp in surprise. Huey tumbled out of his seat, seeing as he had no seatbelt. "What was that!"

Once Feathry caught his breath, he knocked on the divider. "Launchpad!"

The driver rolled it down. "Sorry, we, uh, crashed...? I don't know, it was weird. The steering wheel jerked away from me." Launchpad frowned, staring at the wheel.

Instead of being confused like any normal person would, Feathry just smiled. "Nice, that means we're here! Come on Little Donalds. And Webby." The kids exchanged a look before following Feathry out the limo. Webby saw they were crashed in front of an apartment complex. The building was green, unlike the dried up grass lawn. Feathry turned to Launchpad. "We'll be back in a few hours or so."

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