Escape From/To Atlantis Pt 1

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A video image flashed on the projector. A calm, soothing voiceover came on as the logo for Glomgold Industries appeared. "Welcome to the Glomgold Industries Second Chance program. We know it's hard to get a job if you have a criminal record. That's why we believe in second chances and providing work for people who have been in jail. And that's just one of the many charities we provide here at Glomgold Industries with our founder, Flintheart Glomgold. Here, our employees are the greatest treasure of all."

Donald rolled eyes at the cheesy line. The lights in the room turned on and the projector screen rolled up. A short, roundish duck stepped forward. Glomgold. Donald glanced at the other ex-convicts in the room. He couldn't believe that people actually bought this malarkey.

"Thank you to everyone who joined the Second Chance program," Glomgold greeted with a smile. "Now, as the richest duck in the world, I decided to put my money to use and bail a select few out of jail and hire you." He rested his hands on his cane, being and older duck. Then he passed out some small cards to everyone with names. "These are name tags and they will also give you a discount on medical expenses in case of emergency. Here we have Gabby McStaberson, Hack and Slash Smashnokov, and Donald Duck."

Donald took the name tag. In truth he didn't really want to be here. Currently they were in the middle of the ocean on a large boat. He was never really a fan of water. Or boats.

"Remind me what we're doing again?" Donald asked, raising his hand.

"I'm glad you asked. I've discovered that there's an opening to Atlantis and that it holds a very powerful gem. A gem that could power the city and give a clean energy source for years, maybe even centuries. So, you guys can help me find it as your first step to redemption," Glomgold said.

"Oh goodie," Donald said sarcastically.

"But we have to hurry. I heard rumor that Feathry Duck, my rival, will try to get it first. But he only wants it to up his status and popularity," Glomgold added.

Donald grumbled under his breath about his cousin. Feathry had the boys right now, and Donald knew only trouble would come from that. If he found out he abused them, Donald might never get them back. Plus, he still had to teach those kids a lesson. He just knew one of them had ratted him out to the cops.

Glomgold made a few more announcements to the group, drawing Donald's attention. "Alright, there's a salad bar out on the deck if you want anything, and we'll meet back here before we reach the shore. Break." And with that, the old duck walked off.

Donald moved towards a phone mounted on the wall. He quickly dialed the number and waited.

"This is Feathry Duck," a voice answered.


Feathry held the phone up to his ear. "Who's this?"

"Your cousin."

Feathry's tone dropped. "Oh. Hey, Don."

"You've got the boys right? Where are you?" Donald asked on the other end.

"Like I'm just going to tell you," Feathry said, putting a hand on his hip. Just then, Huey poked his head out of the submarine. Yes, they were also in the middle of the ocean in a yellow submarine.

"Hoist the main sail! Turn starboard! Uh... Other boat words to Atlantis!" the red triplet shouted, sporting his hat on backwards. "DIVE, DIVE, DIVE!" He punctuated his statement with a whooping sound, pumping his fists in the air.

Feathry's eyes widened, and the sub began to descend. "Wait, no, Launchpad! The hatch isn't closed yet!" Huey continued jumping up and down excited and Feathry noticed his feathers were on fire. He put them out with his hand and hurriedly moved to close the hatch. A good amount of water still got inside, soaking the two.

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