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Donald doubled back from Fethry's punch. He shook himself and wiped his beak, glaring at his cousin. "Wow, someone's mad."

Fethry clenched his fists. "Mitzy just got eaten by a shark thing, and you're making jokes. All you ever do is cause trouble." The bear that was there let out a roar. Fethry sighed. "Natalie's right, we shouldn't be fighting. We have to save Mitz."

Donald raised an eyebrow. "Are you talking to a stupid bear?" That earned a growler from the bear. Donald took a few steps back, raising his hands defensively. "Alright alright. I don't know why you're so mad, you pretty much hated her." With a roll of his eyes, he crossed his arms.

"I didn't hate her, what are you talking about!" It had been a long time since Donald had seen Fethry this angry.

"Well, you guys were yelling, for one. Like, a lot. That's the only way I found you. So, if you think about it..." Donald waved his hands as he spoke. "It's kind of your fault that the shark ate her."

Fethry just groaned and moved towards the bank of the lagoon. "Alright, let's see about going after her." Donald decided he had nothing better to do, so he might as well join his cousin. The bear followed behind them, and Donald wondered why the thing didn't just eat them. The bear dipped in the water and made a noise at them. It waved its head and Fethry watched it warily. "On your back...?"

Fethry climbed on the bear's back and they waded into the technicolor liquid. Fethry gave Donald an expectant look. "I'm not riding that be-"

"Donald, get on the bear!"

Donald flinched and did as he was told. He rode behind Fethry and they swam out into the middle of the lagoon. A moment of awkward silence passed between them. When Donald noticed they were floating around idly, he asked, "So what exactly is the plan here?"

"I don't know, just figure out a way to rescue Mitzy from that shark." Fethry shrugged, his eyes focused on the water.

Donald leaned his head on his palm and huffed. Donald... He nearly jumped at the sound of his name. Looking around suspiciously for the source of the whisper, he tried not to draw Fethry's attention. Behind you... His eyes widened as he spotted his shadow, where the eyes should be glowing red. After watching it a bit more, he realized the shadow wasn't even his own. The shape was more like the girl he had been working for. The shadow held a finger to where her mouth would've been.

Donald squinted at it, mouthing What?

It's me, Lena. I'm part shadow.

This was all too weird for Donald. He had specifically wanted none of this magic and adventure stuff. Not with Scrooge, not with Della, and not now. But he should've probably just learnt to accept it by this point. What are you doing? he worded.

Just seeing how everything's going with Tiffany. How big is she now?  The shadow rubbed her hands together.

Donald's eyes widened at the concept of the shark growing any bigger.

A loud splash drew Donald's attention toward, and the shark burst from the water. Fethry yelped, nearly falling off the bear. They heard a scream, presumably Mitzy's. The shark hit the water and dove back under the surface.

Fethry shook any water from his hand and hunched closer to the bear.

"What if I pushed you in?" Donald smirked. "You could save your lady friend, I can go, and we'll both be happy."

"Donald!" Fethry snapped.

"Just kidding, sheesh." Donald crossed his arms, frowning. After Fethry's 13th birthday, Donald hadn't teased him about his fear of water. It was too fresh then, too real. But as the years had past, it didn't particularly hurt his conscience anymore.

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