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"Okay, so it says here that the people of Atlantis built the city to be able to study the stars better. But the only people who came out here were astronomers, so the supports weren't very strong. The hole city fell into the sea. It says the temple of Atlantis holds many different chambers," Fethry began, pointing to the inscription in the temple wall. "Sort of like a maze. Each chamber has a different challenge and in the center of them all is the jewel of Atlantis!"

Everyone gathered around. There was a map, noting the different chambers, each one described with crude symbol. The temple was set up like a labyrinth; someone wouldn't have to go through all the chambers to get to the jewel. Only a few, depending on which route you took.

"Let's take a picture of the map, so we won't get lost," Fethry said. He stuck out his hand, waiting for someone to give him a phone.

Webby raised her hand. "Feathry, none of us own phones. What about yours?"

Fethry reached into his pocket and pulled out a wet device. He frowned, discovering it wouldn't turn on. "Dang it, mine's wet. Maybe Launchpad?" he asked hopefully.

Launchpad nodded and handed over his phone. After taking the picture, Fethry gave it back to him. "There. Now we have some sense of direction. Onward, to adventure!" He put a hand on his hip and pointed forward, heroically.

"Cousin Fethry, Huey ran in before you even took the picture," Louie pointed out.

Feathry's eyes widened. "Gosh, darn it. Boy! Come back! I'm supposed to be watching you!" Fethry called, taking off into the temple. The others followed after.


Meanwhile, Glomgold and his crew were just coming up on the temple ledge. He was the first to step onto land, followed by Donald and the others.

"Game plan, team. If we want to get that gem before that greedy Feathry gets it, we have to act smart. Any ideas?" Glomgold said, his stout figure standing before the group.

No one gave an answer, so finally Donald decided to take a shot at it. "We could just follow them and then steal it from under their noses," he said, without much energy into the thought.

Glomgold rested his hands on his cane. "Now, that's not exactly the idea I was looking for, as that's a little bit cheating, but that's why we brainstorm," he said, trying to encourage them.

"Dude, how do you cheat at life?" Donald asked, waving his hands. He walked next to Glomgold and turned to face the other ex-criminals. "Who are you going to listen to? This idiot, or me?"

Glomgold took a few steps back. "Now, Donald, that's not very constructive language."

"I don't care," Donald said, crossing his arms. "I'm a grown adult and I was doing perfectly fine on my own before this stupid program. Who's with me?"

The others hesitated. Glomgold spoke into a walkie-talkie. "Send security."

Just like that, two beagles came off of the boat. They stood, watching, just in case something were to happen.

"Fine, you guys follow this loser, I'm going to go get my kids. I am still their legal guardian, and I'm getting them back." Donald huffed and started to walk into the temple. But the beagles stopped him.

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