The Eclipse War Pt 1

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Grinning, Webby jumped at the knock. She opened the door of the hotel room. Bradford and her had been staying in one for the past three days while everyone was... figuring things out. She beamed at the boys who stood in the door. "Yay! You guys found the room!" The young girl was eager to see how her friends were after the chaos that ended their trip.

"Barely. Someone decided to let Louie have the room number you gave us, and we all know about how bad he is at giving directions." Huey pointed towards Louie with his head, hands on his hips. Louie rolled his eyes in a "whatever" tone.

Welcoming them in, Webby kept her optimistic smile. She shut the door behind them. "Bradford went to get groceries, but Gladdy said he would stop by too!" She counted off her fingers, "Though we haven't heard anything from Launchpad or Fethry." The boys seemed somewhat unsettled at the mention of Launchpad. Or maybe Fethry. Or maybe both.

Another knock at the door came along. Webby was thankful or the interruption to her thoughts. After standing on her tippy toes to see through the peep hole, she opened the door. Gladdy walked in.

"Hey, kids!" he said with a short wave. Giving them a crooked smile, he asked, "How have you guys been?"

Gesturing to the room, Webby jumped up on one of the beds. "Good. We've been hanging at this hotel. What about you, Gladdy?"

"Well, I knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this one guy's cousin who let me stay in his mom's basement, so that's where I've been staying! And it didn't flood! Not having bad luck is great! Too bad the eclipse is tonight. That's when my curse will return." He shook himself from talking to much. "Anyways, boys, where have you guys been staying?"

The triplets exchanged a look. Louie shoved his hands into his pockets. "Well, uh, here and there."

Taking a spot next to Webby on the bed, Huey pulled his toaster onto his lap. "Bready got into a fight with a possum! It was cool." He kicked his legs back and forth.

Gladdy looked over them, his expression somewhat concerned. "Maybe Fethry was better to us than we gave him credit for." That earned a glare from each of the boys. Gladdy put his hands up in defense. "Come on, he's not that bad."

"Right, because he didn't get out mom killed." Dewey rolled his eyes. An awkward air hung over the room, making Webby stiffen.

"Uh, who wants to play Baggle!" She jumped from the bed to the other and grabbed the box from a table. Raising the game over head roundly, her grin stretched far across her beak, forcing the mood to pick up. She pushed any sadness she was feeling deep down. No room to be sad when everyone else was sad. Someone had to keep this family together.


Sneakers hitting against concrete was the rhythm to Lena's smiling song as she made her way to her revenge. Tonight was the eclipse, where her powers would be at their peak. Magica was helpless to stop her, her magic hindered by the eclipse, allowing Lena to take it. Everything was set, except for lack of penny, but Lena was sure she would find it before the eclipse ended. Determined to find it.

"This time tomorrow, I'll have everything I've always wanted." It felt good to actually say it out loud. It made it all the more real. Too happy to care if anyone was watching, she tried forming a purple fire at the tip of her find. She rolled it around like a ball. "Revenge is underrated." Lena would be coming up on the mansion soon. And it wouldn't be hard to get in with her "best friend" welcoming her to do so. Nothing could be better.

Lena felt a strange tug in her get. Her steps stopped. Maybe just nervous bugs. When she tried to move forward, the feeling overtook her. She stumbled to her knees and let out a groan. Dark shadows bled from her eyes, pooling in front of her. The shadow formed the familiar silhouette of her aunt.

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