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"Launchpad, I'm pretty sure we've been going in circles for a while now. Do you know where we're going?" Louie crossed his arms, starting to get fed up with the pilot.

"Yes, but it was funnier to take us in circles and see how long it'd take for you to notice," Launchpad said smirking.

Louie rolled his eyes and kept walking. He used the little putter patter of his feet to stay sane. It was really hard, being the only responsible one in the group. Webby kept humming, but sweet as she was, it was really loud and out of tune. And then there was Huey, who wouldn't stop talking about his toaster. Her favorite foods, her favorite games, her favorite animal, her favorite person (Huey of course).

Just when it seemed like he would finally stop, Launchpad had to go and ask what the toaster's favorite movie was. Louie began screaming internally. What was this guy's problem? Did Launchpad just enjoy Louie's torture? Louie loved his brother and all, but there was a point where he had to draw the line. But he would never let Launchpad see that he got to him.

They continued walking, Louie's hand against the wall so they wouldn't get lost.

"Hey! I think I see the jewel of Atlantis up ahead!" Launchpad said.

"Really! Where!" Huey beamed, completely dropping his sentence about Bready's (Was that what he had called it?) favorite types of grass. He ran up ahead, until Launchpad tripped him with his foot. He face planted into the rock floor. Louie gasped.

"Oops," was all Launchpad said.

Huey stumbled to his feet. "I think you accidentally tripped me. But I'm okay." He wasn't, he had a scrape on his knee, but Huey's optimism wouldn't let him complain about that. Launchpad ignored him and kept walking.

Louie frowned and clenched his fists. He would let people bully him all day rather than see it happen to one of his brothers. "Hey Launchpad, I think you dropped something!" Louie called. "Yeah, I think you dropped your manners. Oh wait, never mind, you never had any." It wasn't great but it was the best he could come up with. He thought he heard Webby snicker, but when he looked back at her she avoided eye contact.

"I'd watch it if I were you kid," Launchpad said without glancing back.

"Well... uh... maybe you should watch it!" Louie was trying, okay?

Webby shook her head, but a small smile crept on her face. Launchpad spun to face them, and immediately her smirk disappeared. "Look, kid, you're only here because your cousin wanted to be charitable for once. Because he felt obligated to do so. So I'd remembered that next time the idea crosses your head that you actually matter. Cause you don't."

Webby and Huey glanced between them nervously. Louie narrowed his eyes at the adult, deciding whether or not he should fight back. Webby mouthed the words to him, Don't. Louie sighed, releasing his fists.

Launchpad scoffed. "Yeah, that's what I thought." He then licked his hand and proceeded to ruffle Louie's feathers with it. He walked on, Huey and Webby following. Huey stole a said glance at his brother.

Louie stuck out his tongue in disgust. He fixed his hair, anger still rising up inside him. At least it was him and not one of his brothers.


Feathry beamed as he and Dewey came upon the chamber with the Jewel of Atlantis. The chamber was open, the ground covered in gold. In the middle of it all was a statue of a hand holding up a blue gem. The gem Feathry presumed was the jewel.

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