THotUG Pt 2

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Feathry and Huey eventually found another elevator, now that they were out of range from Gladstone's curse. They made their way down to the 1st floor. Feathry stepped out of the elevator, realizing he had gotten turned around. Where had they entered from again? Was it this way, or maybe...?

He spun in a circle. "Hey, Hue, do you remember-"

"Licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets? Of course!" Huey smiled up at him.

Feathry stared at him a moment, processing. "Uh... no. The exit. Where is it? Maybe Webby left or something."

"I don't know. Maybe she had to go to the bathroom?" Huey started walking around, Feathry following behind him. "Maybe we could find a map or something. Like a quest!" Huey ran up ahead, getting mixed in the shuffle of people in the lobby.

Feathry called after him, trying to catch the boy. Feathry sighed. "Great, now that's three things I have to find. Webby, the exit, and Huey." He tried to squeeze through people, give himself space to think. It was discombobulating, Feathry wondered if he would have to add claustrophobia to his list of fears. Taking another step, he tripped and face planted into the carpet. He groaned.

A hand appeared in his line of vision. He took it and someone helped him up. He dusted himself off. "Uh, thanks," he said, before looking up at who had helped him. It was the fox woman from earlier.

"My pleasure, Mr. Duck," she said with a slight nod.

Feathry was used to people recognizing him before he knew them, but it still caught him off guard occasionally. "You are...?"

"Miss Jiu Weihu, owner of this humble establishment." She folded her hands into her long sleeves. "Tell me, what you led you to grace us with your presence?"

Feathry glanced around while he spoke, still hoping to find maybe a red cap or a flash of pink somewhere. "My cousin lives here, so..." He drifted off, biting his lip.

"Ah, yes, Mr. Gander."

He looked back to her. "Yeah, actually, how did you-"

"If you are looking for the red boy I saw you with earlier, you might want to check by the water fountain." She pointed in to her right, drawing Feathry's attention.

"Thanks!" Feathry started heading in that direction. Another question popped into his head. "Oh, and also, you wouldn't happen to know where..." When he spun around, Jiu was no where to be seen. He frowned. "...the exit is...Never mind."

He did find Huey by a water fountain. The boy was sitting on the floor, his head in his palms, watching the show. Somewhere from a speaker, some nonsense about whatever was blaring incredibly loud. Looking at it from afar, Feathry thought it looked incredibly boring.

Feathry found a spot next to his younger cousin, who looked like he was about to fall asleep. "Huey, don't run off like that."

"Got it."


"This is really boring." Huh. Great minds think alike. The boy threw his hands up. "There are, like, zero explosions, and I have not gotten wet once! Where is the splash zone!"

Feathry chuckled. "That bad huh?"

"Yeah, and I heard this thing goes on for three hours." Huey sighed and lay on the carpet. He started whining.

"You don't have to stay the full three hours." Feathry raised an eyebrow.

Huey's face lit up. "Really? Thank goodness!"

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