HW Pt 3

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Trigger warning! References abuse!

Feathry just looked over the situation wide eyed and confused. Louie grabbed the sword and swung at the ghost, making it whisp away momentarily, dropping Huey and Webby.

The headless horse finally kicked Dewey off, sending him flying through the air. He let out a yelp.

"I've got you Dewey!" Huey shouted, running to catch his brother. Dewey fell on top of him, sending them both tumbling. They landed on their tail feathers, Huey laughing and Dewey hyperventilating.

The two boys and Webby ran behind a large shield taking cover.

Feathry tilted his head. "What the-" he was interrupted by Louie grabbing him by the hand. The boy also led him to safety behind the shield.

Everyone caught their breaths, hands on their knees. Though now Dewey was shaking, his breathing sharp.

Once Louie could speak, he said, "We got this. There are three of them and five of us." He poked his head from around the shield. "If we- Nevermind. They teamed up," he sighed.

Now the pirate ghost wielded the sword, riding on the headless horse.

"What are we going to do!" Dewey shouted, heart pounding faster. Webby tucked in her tail, equally scared.

Feathry glanced between the kids, then around the shield to the monsters. "Fighting a monster shouldn't be too hard. I'm sure it's just like the stories Uncle Scrooge used to tell," he said to no one in particular. He ran out from behind the shield, a determined look on his face.

"Wait! Get back! You're too famous to die!" Huey called after him.

Louie sent him a look. "Please do not play into his ego."

Feathry stood in front of the headless steed. "Hey ghost! What do you want!" he asked.

"The head of a McDuck!" the pirate snarled, raising his sword. His skull burst into bright blue flames.

Feathry raised his hands in a shrug. "Would you settle for a distant relative? Sure, my last name is technically Duck, but I am related to the McDucks," he offered.

The ghost only roared in response, charging the duck. He had to act fast. He spotted a statue of himself and smirked. Sliding under the horse, he stood in front of the statue.

"Come and get me, you big palooka!" he taunted. The ghost turned directions and ran towards him, waving the sword wildly. In the chaos, he decapitated Feathry. Only it wasn't Feathry but his statue. The statue's rock head fell into the hands of the ghost.

"Ha! There's your head! Boom!" Feathry cheered, hands on his hips.

The ghost snarled, "I should've been more specific!" As he spoke, he whisked away in a blue fog, vanishing. The sword fell to the ground with a clatter, and the head landed on the horse.

The horse neighed and clopped his hoof. It translated to, "Oh no! A head! My worst nightmare!" Then he ran off.

All the kids ran out from behind the shield, cheering.

"Wow! Cousin Feathry! That was amazing!" Louie said, eyes wide.

"Thank you for saving us!" Webby beamed.

"That was the coolest thing I've ever seen in my entire life!" Huey said, grinning and clutching his toaster.

"I thought I was going to die!" Tears just poured from Dewey's eyes in an almost comical way as he toppled to his knees.

Feathry dusted off his suit, shining the buttons with his thumb. "That's great and all, and I loved praising myself as much as the next guy, but what were you kids doing in my garage? Webby, I've told you not to play in here."

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