Hoo-Whoo Pt 1

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Hey guys! This was something I've been working on for like a week as a side NaNo project. It's just DuckTales season 1 but rewritten with my Negaverse characters. If you don't know what the Negaverse is, it's just another dimension where everything is the opposite. (Not EVERYTHING but most things). This is loosely canon to my other story, The Other Side of the Known Universe. Here's episode one! Enjoy!

A seagull flew over the bay, sun shining warmly overhead. Louie Duck sat down at the edge of the docs, an ocean breeze blowing through his hair. He let out a sigh. He loved coming to the docs. It proved his one moment of peace. The one chance he could get away from the stresses of his life.

He was snapped out of his thoughts by the sound of his brother. "Louie! Where have you been!" Huey said. Louie got to his feet and turned to face him.


"Haven't you been paying attention to the time!"

Louie glanced down at his phone. Shoot. 4:30. 30 minutes past their "curfew." How could he have let the time go so fast?

"Dewey's been covering for you at the house! Come on, let's go!" Huey said.

Louie noticed Huey's cap was on fire and put it out for him. Huey hadn't seemed to notice. Without another word, the two boys ran back to their living quarters. Louie wouldn't call it a home, because it was anything but. And it definitely wasn't a house.

Louie, Dewey, and Huey lived in a trailer park in the pits of Duckburg. Louie and Huey winced as they heard shouting coming from inside. The trailer shook with the sounds of their uncle squawking loudly.

Louie opened the door cautiously. He saw Dewey first, tail tucked and wide eyed. Next to him stood Donald, hands on his hips and an angry expression.

When Huey and Louie had stepped inside completely, Donald turned to them. "There you brats are. What have you been doing this whole time? Two kids alone on the streets. Are you asking for social services to come check on us?" he snapped.

Huey hung his head, while Louie mumbled under his breath, "Doesn't matter, it's not like they would actually do anything."

Donald raised an eyebrow at him. "What was that?"


"Alright then," Donald said, crossing his arms. "Listen, I'll be gone doing a deal with Panchito and Jose, so I want this trailer cleaned by the time I get back. No going outside, or else you know what'll happen," he said, pulling on a jacket. He shoved past Huey and Louie and opened the door to leave, giving them one last stern look before going.

All three boys let out a sigh of relief once he had left. Dewey rubbed his arm, and Louie noticed he had a new bruise on his wrist. The blue duckling caught his glance and pulled his sleeve down over the sore. Louie frowned.

"Thanks, Dewey. I owe you one," he said.

Dewey avoided eye contact with his older brother. "It's nothing," he said quietly, trying to hide his tears.

Louie shook his head and crossed his arms. "You know, some day, someone is going to put uncle Donald in his place," he said.

"It's not that big of a deal, Lou," Dewey persisted. "This is just how it is."

"No, it's not!"

Huey stood between his brothers, eyes wide. "Come on, guys, let's not fight. We've got to finish cleaning, so we can finish homework. I can't risk another F," he said.

Louie loosened up. "Alright," he said.

The boys finished cleaning up, making dinner, and doing homework. Huey had a bit of trouble with his, as always, but Louie helped him out. After that, all the boys agreed to bedtime.

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