The Rainbow Lagoon of Pearl Agony Plains Pt 1

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A shiny, black limo drove through Duckburg, a small, gold G on the hood. In the back sat an older and younger woman, the older's assistant. The younger fidgeted with her hands nervously, biting her lip.

The older woman rolled her eyes. Her hair was blond, a single strip of white complementing her old age. She pat down her gold colored dress, picking at one of the threads mindlessly. "Lighten up, sweetie. We're going to a party, what's there to be nervous about?"

The assistant sent her a look. "Need I remind you that you haven't even told me what this party's for? You wouldn't even show me the invitation, and you know how much I dislike social events."

"Exactly. Which is why I didn't tell you."

The assistant sighed and stared out the window. Her purple hair fell down to her shoulders, the tips died a lighter purple and her bangs blue. The girl felt uncomfortable in all this formal wear, but the older woman had insisted she dressed nice. You'll never know who you might run into, she had said, before running off to keep her from spilling any of the surprise. That only added to her assistant's anxiety.

She saw the gala coming up as they pulled up to the curb. A red carpet was rolled out, leading inside. Spotlights waved back and forth, shining through the dark sky. A couple banners decorated the front, surrounded by photographers and journalists. She spotted a familiar face on a banner, and her gut dropped.

She turned to face her elder, eyes wide. "Mrs. McDuck! You didn't tell me this was a party celebrating Feathry!"

Mrs. McDuck smirked, a playful look in her eyes. "You never asked."

The girl's faced turned red. "Because I didn't think I would have to ask!"

Ignoring the girl's complaints, Mrs. McDuck pulled out a small mirror and began checking her complexion. "So, I have to attend a few meetings. But I assume you can hold your own?" She didn't even bother a glance at her assistant.

The girl stared at her in disbelief. "You're leaving me? Why! Who put you up to this!"

"You need to loosen up." Mrs. McDuck snapped her mirror shut and put it back in her purse.

"Mrs. McDuck, I-"

"So formal," Mrs. McDuck said, eyeing her expectantly.

The girl sighed. "Goldie, I know your intentions are good, but trust me, throwing me into the deep end is the worst thing you could of done. Why would you even get an invitation to this party?" Goldie gave her a look. The assistant scrunched up her beak. "Bradford." Goldie nodded. The girl shook her head and threw the limo door open. She slammed it behind her, earning a glare from her employer. "You know what! Fine! I guess I'm going to this party." She eyed Goldie through the car window. "But, for the record, I'm not interacting with anyone, ESPECIALLY Feathry."

Goldie shrugged. "That was the point of me dragging you here, but fine. Whatever." She put and hand to her beak, like she wanted to say more but refrained. That meant she was up to something. The girl turned to head inside, but Goldie stopped her. "Just a moment, I've got something." She dug around in her purse and pulled out a piece of paper. "Here's a list of things I want you to bug him about. Thanks."

The girl took the paper and readjusted her sky blue dress. "I will give this to someone else to give to Feathry. There." Goldie nodded.

The assistant walked inside, the cheer of people surrounding her. She took in a deep breath. All she had to do was get through this party and then she could move on with her life. Just one lousy night. Easy peasy.


Feathry walked into the gala, the triplets in tow behind him. They were all dressed in neat, black suits for the party. He popped up his collar and grinned. "Alright boys, you remember the rules of going to a party?" He turned to face the boys.

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