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It didn't take long for them to get to the Waddle building. Louie tried to push down his excitement. He would get a job. Technically an internship, but never mind that. He reminded himself that he would only get it if he did a good job, but that didn't keep his hopes down.

She led them past the courtyard, where different people were testing out Waddle technology. Some people rode by on Waddle brand hover boards. "Here we have the high speed hover boards, the low speed hover boards, and..." A smirk crossed Owlison's face as they watched people struggle to move their boards. "The no speed hover boards. That one was made as a joke, but people wanted it, so... That's business for ya," she chuckled.

They made their way into the main building, with pearly white walls and the bight blue W logo on just about everything. Louie noticed that instead of stairs, they had escalators. He bit his beak curious.

As if reading his mind, Zan said, "Escalators! Stairs of the future! Makes you question why moving sidewalks are only in airports."

"Isn't that a lot more expensive?" he asked.

"Your mom, heh." Louie just seemed to be more lost by this woman. She had already used "lol" in a sentence, and now a "your mom" joke? He shook himself. Despite her lack of professionalism, this was still potentially his future boss and the woman Feathry wanted him to make a good impression on.

In the middle of the space was a desk with a dark brown top. Owlison moved to stand by it. She crossed her arms confidently. "Oh yeah, and before you ask, yes, it is made of chocolate! Boom!"

Huey's face lit up. "Really?" He grabbed a chunk of the desk top and shoved it in his mouth. And then proceeded to immediately spit it out.

Louie rolled his eyes. "Why would you eat it if you know you don't like chocolate?"

"Because I though it would taste different! This is rich people chocolate, Louie!" Huey continued to spit and shudder.

Owlison raised an eyebrow. "What kind of monster doesn't like chocolate?"

"Me! I don't like chocolate! Or any sugar really, but especially chocolate."

"Huh. Weird." She shrugged and went on with the tour.

Owlison led them down the halls of the company, finally ending up at a large office. A large W hung on the wall behind a desk towards the back of the room. At the desk was a chair and computer. A parrot sat in the chair, typing something on the computer, with very good posture, Louie might add.

"Little gentleman," Owlison began, stepping towards the desk. She put one hand on her hip and with the other, she leaned on the desk. "Meet Mark Beaks, other co-CEO of Waddle."

The so called Mark Beaks looked up from the computer and scanned over the boys. Louie put on a calm and collected face, hoping to make a good impression. After seeing them, Beaks glanced at his partner.

"Children? Seriously Owlison?"

Louie's heart sank.

"To be fair, the green one paid for drinks earlier, so there."

Beaks rolled his eyes and turned back to his computer work. "Whatever."

Louie shook himself and coughed. "Uh, it's Louie actually."

"And I'm Huey!"

Louie mentally face palmed. Ooh boy. How could he have forgotten a very important factor to all this? Huey was with him. The chances of him getting this internship was lower than he thought.

"Uh-huh. Owlison, I'm trying to do actual work, so..." Beaks raised an eyebrow at her.

"Pft, work? Like what?" She punctuated the statement with a snort laugh.

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