EW Pt 2

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"I'm going to make a sandwich, you want one?" Fethry led Lena to the kitchen. His face was ridden with a weird smile obviously trying to hide a frown, so all the while it just looked wrong. Lena wondered if he would be like this when she took her revenge. She hoped not. Half the fun would be seeing the terrified horror of his face when she made her move.

"Sure." She was a little hungry, and it wasn't like he knew she was his worst enemy, so it probably wouldn't be poisoned.

He went into the kitchen and began digging through the fridge and pantry. Over the sound of shuffling, he didn't hear the phone ring. But Lena did.

The phone was attached to the wall just outside the kitchen. Lena stepped out, smirking at the device. Oh, she hoped this was an important call, just so she could ruin it. She had been practicing with her magic and recently learned a spell to change her voice. She cleared her throat until it sounded somewhat like Fethry's, then took the phone.

"Hey, Feths!" Lena recognized it as Gladstone. He used to be her neighbor, back before she had any clue about what his family, specifically Scrooge and Fethry, had done to her. She knew they probably couldn't still be friends after all this, but she would lose a lot by going through with her plan. She had already come to terms with that. "I know you're probably still mad at me, but I was wondering... would you like to come over for dinner later? No special reason in particular, just miss seeing you."

Well, ruining a family dinner was important enough for Lena. "Of course!" She was taken back by how well the spell worked. It was so strange to hear someone else's voice from her mouth. "But no one can eat until I get there. You know I consider it the peak of rudeness." Waiting to eat was just about the worst thing Lena could think of. What else could she do to mess this up? "Oh, and I'll only eat the fanciest, most expensive foods you can find, as I have a very refined pallet and cheap food makes me vomit. Bye!" She hung up before he could question her.


Gladdy hung up, raising an eyebrow at Webby. "Did that sound like Fethry? I mean, he used to eat corn chips out of our couch..."

Webby shrugged. "He said he'd come and that's good enough for me!"


She stepped back into the kitchen, dusting her hands. Dinner successfully ruined. Now to press about the penny. Spinning on her heals, she entered the kitchen, met with Fethry holding out a slice a bread to her.

"Turns out I don't know how to make a sandwich, so how about some raw toast? It's raw because Huey took the toaster." When he didn't retract the bread, she awkwardly took it from him. Fethry stared at his own slice, frowning. "Wow, I'm useless without them."

Smiling to herself, Lena found the Ducks leaving Fethry turned out to be a blessing in disguise. With them gone, she was free to ask him anything she wanted to alone, not to mention he was too upset to focus too hard on anything she said. Everything was going perfect. Tossing the bread aside, she started, "So, you fought a ghost, huh? Tell me more about that."

With a depressed, glazed over look at his bread, he sat at the kitchen island. "Uh, yeah. Louie was doing a magic trick with the penny, but accidentally summoned a ghost. The ghost locked me in the closet, so the boys were really the ones who fought it." He shrugged.

"How did a ghost end up in your penny?" Lena already knew of course, but she just wanted to see if he would admit to knowing.

"Well, that is a complicated story..." He looked up, as if thinking over her question more deeply. "Why are you so interested with the penny, anyways?" He squinted at her, making her stiffen.

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