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Owlison reclined back in her cushioned seat, scrolling through Instagram. Not only was she a big CEO, but she was also a big social media influencer too. She hovered her thumb over the record button, with her other hand fluffing her hair up. Had to look fabulous for her fans. She worked in the advertising department, while Beaks did the actual technology stuff. Whatever, sciencey gibberish she didn't quite understand. But it was making money, so he must be doing something right.

She finally started the video. "Sup, peeps! Just here to remind y'all that Project: Behold is coming out later this year! What is it, you may ask? Well, that's a little secret, but to sum it up, it's gonna be everything you hoped it'd be, and nothing you're expecting! Waddle is so stoked to be presenting this product to you, and-" She stopped, spotting something through her clear office doors. She squinted at the figure, noticing how fast it was moving. "Hmm, hang on guys. I hope to see you all at the release! Ttyl!"

She stopped recording, getting up from her seat. Finally, the figure entered the room, throwing the doors open. She snapped a quick picture before shoving the phone in her pocket. Before her stood a brown plumage duck, dressed in suit and ties, like those guys from the movie Ducks in Black.

The duck ran a hand through his hair. "My name is Fenton Cabrera, and just to jump to the point, I've been hired to steal your Project: Behold. So just take me to it and we can get this over with."

Owlison looked over Fenton. She let out a whistle. "Wow, you're a lot hotter than I thought you'd be."

He was taken back. "What?"

"Well, being as famous as I am, it was almost inevitable that someone would send a bounty hunter after me, but I just never imagined he would be so attractive."

Fenton rolled his eyes and reached for a gun in his jacket. "Come on, take me to the thing or whatever so we can get this over with."

"You think we'll have an enemies to lovers plot?"

"Shut up!"


After a whole afternoon of cleaning, only interrupted at one point by Huey calling, Dewey and Webby were let off the hook. Aka, Bradford let them go after Dewey almost lost his hand in a garbage disposal incident.

The two ducklings went into the garage to begin their search for the box. Dewey still had a few nightmares from the last time he was in here. He shuddered at the thought. He wanted to get the job done fast, but he also didn't want to be alone, so they searched in different places but where they could still see each other. Dewey was shuffling through a pile of stuff when Webby decided to break the silence of the cold garage air.

"Why didn't you want to tell Bradford?"


"When he asked why we were going into the garage. Why didn't you tell him about your mom?"

Dewey bit his lip, moving stuff off a box labeled "F x M" with a broken heart scribbled around it. "Uh... I guess I don't trust adults."

"Makes sense. Can we tell your brothers when they get back?"

Dewey flinched and his eyes widened, forgetting about investigating the box. "No! We can't. Louie would shut us down for sure and Huey probably couldn't keep the secret." He did want to tell his brothers, but a part of him was scared to. Actually, most of him was, like usual.

He turned back to the broken heart box, just to find a bunch of old picture frames and some tissue boxes and stuffed animals. Looked like Feathry had a hard breakup at one point. It was hard to imagine his confident uncle like that. He moved onto another set of stuff.

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