BBS Pt 3

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Over the next two weeks, the super hero that was Gizmo Duck took Duckburg by storm. On any radio station, news special, or magazine article, he was mentioned. Everyone was talking about the new robotic wonder. The headlines said it all. "Gizmo Duck stops criminals from robbing the bank!" "Gizmo Duck rescues cat from tree!" "Mayor saved by Gizmo Duck!" And Dewey was probably his biggest fan.

The boy in blue was just putting the finishing touches on his letter to the hero himself as a thank you for protecting the city so diligently and when Louie walked into the room. Sitting at the kitchen counter, Dewey spun in his seat to face his brother. "Alright, all I need is a stamp and then my somewhat embarrassing letter will be off to Gizmo Duck!"

Louie dug around in the cabinet for a box of cereal. "You found out his address?"

"Yeah, it just took a little searching and then some, but I've got it." Smiling proudly, Dewey set his envelope on the counter and jumped down from the chair. "And before you ask, no I did not investigate into his secret identity. Though I was tempted, I refrained. Everyone deserves their secrets." Dewey followed Louie around the kitchen as he made his cereal. "I'm not heartless."

Whistling the tune to Darkwing Duck, Launchpad strolled in.

"Speaking of," Louie mumbled, glancing at the pilot. Dewey rolled his eyes.

Opening the fridge, Launchpad stopped whistling and groaned. "Ugh, I got that dang song stuck in my head! Thanks, Derpy." He gave Dewey the evil eye.

"Dewey, actually." Dewey avoided eye contact with the pilot as he corrected him. Trying to be brave was harder than he thought.

"Uh-huh." Launchpad didn't sound like he cared. Taking a can of pep from the fridge, he popped it open with a hissing sound. After taking a swig, he set it on the counter, right on top of Dewey's letter.

The boy watched silently as the condensation dripped onto paper. He frowned, questioning whether or not he should say anything. Just a few drops wouldn't hurt the note too bad, right? But the more he watched, the more he went on to overthink it. The envelope now had a small moist pool right where the address went, somewhat blurring the ink. Dewey quickly stole a glance at Launchpad then back at the letter. Maybe just asking him to move his drink wouldn't be too hard. Launchpad could be nice, Dewey tried to convince himself. Hard as it was, he convinced himself for at least a second. Dewey bit his lip, remembering the ever growing wet spot on his letter. Was he jut taking forever to think about this or was it all in his head? He shook himself. Be brave, he reminded.

"Uh, Launchpad?" His voice came out more cracked than a shattered window, but he pushed on. Launchpad glanced at Dewey, as if asking why the triplet was talking to. Him. Dewey was asking himself the same question. "Can you move your drink? It's sort of getting my paper wet."

"Of course."

Well, that wasn't so hard, was- And he's purposely spilling the soda on it now. Dewey frowned, deflating. Launchpad held the can upside down over the letter, the orange contents spilling all over the counter. A grin crossed the pilot's face. "Oops. Spilt some." Dewey could only stare at the letter he had put so much time and effort into, now stained with sticky substance. Being brave turned out worse than he thought. "Hey, Bradford! I made a mess, come clean it up!" Launchpad called towards the kitchen door. Once the can was empty, he squished it down into a crumpled disk and threw it at Dewey's head like a basketball.

"Hey!" Louie glared at Launchpad, and Dewey got the sudden dread that Louie was about to make it a whole lot worse. "Number one, that most definitely not an accident, and number two, why are you such a jerk?" Louie marched towards the older duck. "Clean up your own mess."

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