The Motel of Selene Pt 1

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It was mid afternoon in the city of Duckburg. The sun shone brightly on the bay, providing warmth to everyone outside. A soft wind blew, keeping everything a nice temperature. Birds sang sweetly as they flew over the buildings and homes of the town. Everyone as going about their days, enjoying the peace and quiet. The junior woodchucks were setting up an event in the park, Mark and Owlison were testing out his latest invention, the Beagles had made chili at the homeless shelter, and Gladstone was trying to explain to the IT guy at the apple store how his phone caught on fire when he dropped it in the toilet. A generally good day for almost everyone.


"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" The shout came from the red loving little boy in the mansion on Kilmotor Hill. Dewey was trying to walk through the halls to his room, but Huey was dragging on his leg, whining.

Dewey sighed, giving up. He stopped walking and looked at his little brother. "Huey, I'm trying to exist, and what's happening right now, it's not gonna work for me."

Huey was on the verge of tears, but his older brother knew he was just being dramatic. "Why! Why! How could you be so cruel Dewey!"

His cries finally drew the attention of Louie and Webby. They waddled over and exchanged a concerned look. "Um, what's going on here?" Louie tilted his head at the sight.

"Tell them your sins," Huey said, glaring at Dewey.

Dewey struggled out of Huey's grip before toppling over. He dusted himself off and got to his feet, Huey still laying on the ground in defeat. "Well, um, I sort of had this idea that we could, maybe-"

"WHY DEWEY!" Huey sobbed loudly. He moved to anchor onto Louie's legs this time, nearly knocking the duckling over. "He made up a horrible, horrible holiday! He calls it Only Child day!" He buried his face in one of his brother's hoodie sleeves, wiping his snot on it.

Louie stuck out his tongue in disgust and Webby took a few steps back.

"I mean-" Dewey nervously fidgeted, wondering what his other brother would think of the concept. Huey had taken it horribly. He shook himself and forced himself to just spit it out. "We spend a whole day being only childs... childes... children." He mentally face palmed but shrugged. "We don't have to do everything together, right?"

To his surprise, a small smile crept on his brother's face. "Yeah, that's a good idea!"

Huey gave Louie a look of betrayal. "No! Not you too! Why!"

"Because, maybe a break from each other would be nice. We can each do whatever we want without having to please the other. Don't you want to have some alone time?"

"Yes, with you guys!" Huey threw hands up dramatically, finally getting to his feet.

"But then it's not alone," Webby pointed out. She pat him on the shoulder, nodding understandingly. "I think I know your problem. You're an extravert with no friends."

"Well, yeah, you just expect me to make friends?" Huey laughed like Webby had said the funniest thing in the world. Sometimes Dewey worried about him. "No, no, no, Webby, don't be ridiculous. I don't need friends, I'm a triplet. And Dewey and Louie are never tired of me, right?"

Dewey stiffened and Louie looked around inconspicuously. Huey gasped, visibly offended. Louie folded his hands together and forced a smile. "Sometimes you're a little... extra."

"And embracing," Dewey added quickly.

Huey rolled his eyes, laughing it off as a joke. "Pfft, no. Louie, name one time we ruined your reputation." All three gave him a deadpan look. "Alright, name one time Dewey ruined your reputation."

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