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Mitzy put her hands up defensively. Fethry moved to stand in front of her and waved her back. "No sudden movements," he whispered, his eyes locked on the bear.

She nodded, walking back slowly. The bear growled at them and thrust itself up on two paws. It clawed at the air and threatened to tear them to pieces.

"What do you suggest we do?" Mitzy nudged Feathry.

"I don't know! I don't think a bear would usually be hostile. But I can't think of anything, unless you can speak bear." He glanced back at her.

Her eyes widened as a lightbulb went off in her head. "In fact, I can!" She smirked and stepped forward.


The bear crouched down and roared at her, pushed her bangs back. She winced but pressed forward. She cleared her throat and growled back. It had been a while since she'd done it, so she hoped she wasn't too rusty. The bear tilted its head and backed down.

"Since when can you speak bear?" Fethry asked.

She made a noise at the bear. "My sister made me take lessons with her one summer because we were bored."

"That's weird," he said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, well I've got a weird family. Now shush so I can talk to the bear." She narrowed her eyes and conversed with the animal. She asked it why it was so upset. The bear let out a "Grrr" in response. "She says we were getting too close to her home. I didn't think there would be a bear cave on the way to the lagoon. Maybe we took a wrong turn..." She tapped a finger to her chin.

"Which arrows are we following? The red or the green?" He raised an eyebrow at her, as if he didn't trust her.

She put her hands on her hips. "The green ones. Why?"

"You took us down several red trails." He frowned. "I think you've been taking us in the wrong direction."

Her eyes widened. "What! Why didn't you say anything? Now I have to explain it to the bear and do you know how awkward that is?"

"One, I was scared to question you, and two, how could you not tell?"

She face palmed. "I'm such a rumpledumpus. I'm color blind, that's why I got them mixed up. I should've just let you lead."

Fethry smiled. "Really? I'm better than you at something! Ha, in your face Mitz!"

"Seeing color, but sure. If you want to count that as a win." She rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to the bear. She scrunched her face, trying to remember the words. "Grr grr... Grr, roar...?" The bear made a response, and from what she could translate, she smiled.

"What'd she say?" Fethry asked.

"She said her name is Natalie and she'll help us find the way to the lagoon."

"Nice!" He gave the bear a small bow. "Thank you Natalie." The bear roared before walking past them. Mitzy and Fethry exchanged a glance before realizing they were supposed to follow.


Mitzy pet the bear as they walked, feeling the warm, soft fur on her finger tips. Fethry walked to her right. After a while, the quiet was starting to get to her. She flashed a sideways glance at him.

"So, Feths, you wanna try conversation again?"

"What do you mean?"

She waved her hand around. "Well, you know, all our conversation this trip have gone down hill." She laughed awkwardly and pushed a strand of hair back. "So, tell me about your cousins. The little ones I mean."

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