LCM Pt 2

244 21 38

Huey laughed as he ran down the halls of castle McDuck, the note clutched tightly in his hand. He thought over the clue, trying to decipher it as he ran. "Something, something, arrow, mark, diddy, arc..." He stopped, running out of breath. He unrolled the note, reading it over again, before realizing he was holding it upside down. "This all just looks like a bunch of gibberish."

Sliding to a stop, Louie came at his side. "Let me see." He squinted at the word, trying to make sense of them. "Pluck a diddy on an arc. What does I mean by arc?" His eyes scanned over the hallway.

"Guys! Wait up!" Dewey called. He reached them, wildly out of breath. He plopped down on the floor in front of them, face up. Noted: Dewey was a weak runner.

"Aha!" Louie pointed at a bow and quiver set, bolted on a pedestal. "We almost missed the first clue!"

"I thought an arc was a boat. What a does that have to do with a bow?" Huey glanced from the note to the bow.

Louie shook his head. "That's ark with a K, this is arc with a C. Like a curve. And pluck a diddy..." He took the page back, walking towards the bow. Noted: there were two types of arc.

"Don't wait up for me!" Dewey laid his head back, deflated.

"There's probably germs on the floor. Who knows the last time someone cleaned this place." Huey smirked at the blue triplet. That made him get up. Dewey shuddered, jumping to his feet. Huey laughed.

"Some of these letters are capitalized! B, A, and D. Music notes." Louie pinched the string on the bow and plucked it a few times. Huey found it interesting that depending on where Louie pinched the string, it changed the sound.

A loud rumbling echoed though the hall. A door of cobblestone revealed itself. It shifted back into the rest of the wall. Behind it, a dark, narrow passage leading to an even darker abyss trailed back. The boys leaned in to get a better.

"Woah. That's most definitely booby trapped." Huey grinned at the hallway of impending doom.

Louie stared down at the sheet. "Just to make sure, what's the next clue?"

Taking his turn with it, Huey looked at the next sentence. Noted: The clues are written as paragraphs and each one seems to be in different handwriting. He figured that was a fact with sharing with his brothers. "Look, the handwriting's different for each clue... and actually these last two look familiar..."

"Yeah, he's right... This one kind of looks like uncle Donald's." Dewey turned his head at the words. "And the bottom one is Gladdy's."

"Wonder who's the first one is." Before Huey could further inspect, Louie grabbed the paper from them.

"Eh, I'm sure it's not important. Probably Fethry's, if Donald and Gladdy wrote the other parts." Dewey and Huey eyed their oldest brother oddly.

"I dunno, it doesn't look like Fethry's. His isn't as curly and-"

"Whatever, it doesn't mater who wrote it. Come on guys, we're having fun. So, shall we go down the dark hallway?" Louie covered up with a smile. He gestured towards the hall. Dewey narrowed his eyes at him. Huey looked between the two. Noted: they were both leaving him out of something very big.

Huey groaned and shoved his brothers single file through the tunnel. "Come on, weirdos! No, please, don't share everything at once. No need to explain over each other." He rolled his eyes sarcastically.

The boys went on in silence. Huey's feet were starting to hurt after they had walked far enough the natural light from the rest of the house was gone.

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