TFPoA22 Pt 4

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Webby hoisted herself up on the stair railing and slid down. She held her headband on, the rush blowing her hair back. When she reached the bottom, she jumped down.

"Bradford!" she called out. She raced for the door of the lighthouse. "Bradford, where are you!"

She was about to leave when the door slammed shut. She gasped, taking a step back. The dog from earlier had closed it. He stepped towards her slowly.

"Where are you going, little lady?" He narrowed his eyes at her.

"I- I- Where's Bradford?" The words caught in the back of her throat. She had to get out of here, and fast.

The dog was standing over her now, his shadow covering her. Webby stiffened and gulped. Aw phooey.

She was ready to accept her fate when there was a shout. She peeked open one eye to see Bradford standing over the unconscious body of the dog.

"Bradford!" She grinned with relief.

"Come on, let's go," he said, ruffling her feathers.

She nodded eagerly. "I like that idea."

"Webbigail!" Beakly's voice thundered from up the lighthouse.

Bradford took Webby's hand. "Beakly will be here quickly, we have to move!" They exited the lighthouse as fast as they could and headed for the car.

Webby slid herself into the passenger side, slamming the car door shut. Bradford turned the key, frantically trying to start up the engine. "Come on. Come on!"

A few hiccups as the car revved, and the vehicle started up. He shifted the car into reverse and they pulled away.

"We can get lost in traffic," Bradford said when they reached the main road.

Webby shut her eyes, trying to catch her breath. Her heart was still pounding from all the excitement. She stared out the window. The sun was beginning to set over the bay of Duckburg. Her mind wandered to all the things her grandmother had told her.


"What did she tell you?"

She looked up at the vulture. "What?"

"What did Beakly tell you?" Bradford's eyes stayed locked on the road as he spoke.

"Well, uh, she just told me about FOWL, and she asked if I knew anything about magic. But magic doesn't exist... right?" Webby tilted her head, knowing there was something more.

Bradford sighed. "Webby, magic does exist."

Webby gasped, but it was a fake gasp. "What! What an interesting fact, that I definitely didn't already suspect. At all!"

Bradford chuckled. "But why would Beakly think you knew anything about that sort of stuff?"

"She said she thought you had told me." Webby fidgeted nervously in her seat. The question was burning inside her. Finally, she summoned the courage to ask. "Bradford, where was I? B- before I moved into the mansion? And why did you bring back there?"

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