The Lies of Castle McDuck Pt 1

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Slipping on her sneakers, Lena thought back over her plan. She stood up from her bed, staring at herself in the mirror. The abandoned amphitheater didn't make much of a home, but it was enough for now. But soon that wouldn't matter. Once she got that penny, everything would be better for her. She was sure of it. Right?

She kept her eyes focused on the mirror as she talked herself up. "Alright, no more messing around. The eclipse is in ten days. My window is closing." She ran a hand through her hair, letting out a breath. She assumed a smile and walked towards her nightstand. Scooping up two colorful yarn bracelets, she looked them over, making sure they were perfect.

"What are you doing?"

Lena yelped, jumping back from her own shadow. It had taken on red eyes and the figure of her aunt. "Aunt Magica, hey! I don't like it when you do that. Give me some kind of warning."

Magica put her hands on her hips. "You didn't answer my question."

"Relax, I'm going to a sleepover at Webby's." Lena waved the bracelets. "Look, making friends, just like you wanted."

"I love that you're getting yourself out there, but not right now. We have to prepare for the eclipse and-"

"How much preparing could that take? It's not that big of a deal." Lena shrugged and started towards the exit of the basement. Magica followed, being her shadow and all. The teenage girl made her way through town to the mansion as she talked with her aunt. "The eclipse only makes your magic weak. If we need to defend ourselves from some sort of magic thing, there are other ways to fight. And how often are we threatened by a weird mystical thing?" She sideglanced at her aunt, glued to the wall of the buildings next to her.

"Lena, you know it's more than that. Some magic gets stronger, and someone might take the opportunity to attack with magic being hectic." Magica's voice was lined with concerned.

Lena made a circle with her finger, smirking. "I've still got mine, if you need that to make you feel safe."

"Your magic is raw and untamed."

"It wouldn't be if you trained me..." Lena frowned, slipping her hands in her pockets.

"Lena." Magica's tone was stern.

"Well, I'm not the one who made us live in an apartment run by a crazy lady trying to feed off everyone's magic!" After Lena's sharp burst, people on the street looked at her funny. She turned red, sinking into her sweater. Her eyes scanned ahead, seeing she was almost to the mansion.

Her shadow moved in front of her, stopping her. Magica sighed. "It was for your own good. Everything I do is to keep you safe."

"Of course." What about the penny situation, Lena wanted to ask, but she refrained. She smiled at her aunt, a mask to cover how she really felt. But it would all be over soon. She would get that penny and once that was done, she could get away from Magica.

After some more walking, she found herself at the mansion gate. After asking the butler to open it or her, she stepped inside. She looked to her aunt. "So, I'm off to my sleepover. And just for the sake of not being awkward, I would prefer it if you didn't eavesdrop on us. Please?"

"Alright, but I'll check in on you tomorrow morning. Enjoy yourself." Her shadow sunk into her feet before returning to her normal one.

Lena narrowed her eyes at the door as she came up on it. "I will." Raising her hand, she gave the door a light knock. The door opened to reveal the pink duckling, smiling.

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