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Mark Beaks rushed into the Waddle lab to hear voices.

"Is this some kind of joke?"

"Nerp, I'm telling the truth, bruh. Project: Behold is-"

Before Owlison could finish her sentence, Mark found them in the testing room. His heart raced as he analyzed the situation. There was Owlison, hands on her hips, next to a brown duck in a suit. He had a gun pointed at her. Mark's eyes widened. "Owlison! What's going on?"

"Oh, hey, Beaksy," she said, like she wasn't in a life threatening situation. Mark wished she would act more mature, especially now.

The other duck moved the gun towards Mark, and he threw his hands up. "Where's Project: Behold?" the duck said.

Mark raised an eyebrow. "Project what?"

The duck narrowed his eyes. "Don't play dumb with me. Where is the tech Waddle has been promoting for the past several months!"

Mouth gaping, Mark turned his eyes to Owlison. He honestly had no clue what Project: Behold was, let alone ever heard of it until now. "I... haven't been working on anything like that, unless Zan decided to name one of my projects that."

"It's like I've been telling you, Fenton. Project: Behold doesn't exist. It was just a marketing tool I used to get more investments. Yah know, get rich quick scheme."

"Owlson," Mark said, sternly.

She waved her hand at him. "Anywho, I made up a fake project to get people to give us money, and I knew I wouldn't have to worry about 'wet-blanket' Mark over here because he never checks his social media! Pretty genius, right?" She smirked, leaving both men irritated.

"You did what!"

"This is getting ridiculous. I'm calling my employer." Fenton, as Owlison had called him, dug in his pocket and pulled out his phone. He started dialing.

In the little moments of silence, Mark glared at his business partner. She was the most irresponsible person he had ever met, with even less integrity. They wouldn't even be in this mess if it wasn't for her.

Owlison's phone started ringing. She held it up to her ear. "Wassup, Owlison here."

It was worse than he thought.

Fenton glanced from his phone to the owl. "You- You're my employer? Why?"

"Yes, why Owlison? That seems to be the question right now," Beaks said, crossing his arms. This was probably the most annoyed he had ever been with her. This was life and death, and she thought it as a game.

"Simple. Now I can say Project: Behold was stolen, and Waddle gets to keep the money. Boom. Guess you could say I thought through my plan very well, eh?" She crossed her arms and held up her head proudly.

"Didn't think this one through," Fenton said, stepping closer towards her, gun still armed. Mark moved forward, but Fenton pulled another gun from his coat and aimed it at the parrot. "No one move unless I say you can."

Owlison glanced between Mark and Fenton, a slight tinge of worry starting to show on her face. "Woah, dude, chill out! I hired you, and your job is done. You can pick up your check on the way out!" She held up her hands defensively.

"I don't like being toyed with. Come on!" Fenton stood behind Owlison, pushing her forward with the nose of the weapon.

Mark's heart thumped loudly in his chest but he tried to keep a cool head. "Let her go!"

"Don't move I said!" Fenton too a shot with his other gun at the ground, just missing Mark's feet. The parrot took a step back. "That was a warning."

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