TMoS Pt 3

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Dewey Duck doubled over, ready to puke by the time they reached Ithaquack

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Dewey Duck doubled over, ready to puke by the time they reached Ithaquack. He forced it down, rising wobbly from his seat.

"Yay! We're here!" Webby grinned and moved to stand next to Dewey.

Lena was still gripping the arm rests of her chair, shaky. "Your friend is a horrible pilot!" she let out. She looked like a cat who had just been dunked in water.

Launchpad smirked at her from the pilot seat. "Only when I want to be." He shut the cargo plane off and stepped towards the kids. "Okay, I'll give you guys... an hour, how's that sound?"

Webby gave him a thumbs up before pressing the button to open the door. Lena and Dewey followed closely behind. Dewey wondered if an hour would be enough. If his mom actually was here, it would probably take a while for her to explain everything. Surely she must have some reason for leaving them. If she didn't... Dewey didn't want to think about that.

Dewey stepped out of the massive plane, shielding his eyes from the sun with his hand. He was met with loudly music and colorful lights. Lowering his hand, he allowed himself to take in the city. Bright signs light up restaurants and pathways. He even spotted an overly decorated gas station. He couldn't decipher the words to the music. He figured it was probably Greek. A large Ferris wheel sat in the distance, just behind it a running roller coaster.

And it was all barren.

Dewey squinted at the island, trying to decipher it. If there were no people, why was everything so busy?

"Oh my gosh! This is more amazing than I imagined!"

Dewey glanced at Lena. Right. He had almost forgotten about her. Wondering how he would explain his search for his mother to her, he realized he didn't know her all that well. She was just the girl that Webby had met when they were at Gladdy's apartment. He couldn't but feel something was off about her. They had met her at the apartment complex that was meant to hold people with some level of magic, curse, or whatever else. Did Lena have magic?

Shaking himself out of his thoughts, Dewey pulled the paper scrap from his pocket. "Selene's Motel is on someplace called Golden Fleece Avenue." Looking up, he saw a sign pointing the direction of said avenue. He smiled. "This way." Walking ahead of the group, his eyes scanned for any other signs that might help.

"So what are we doing here exactly?" Lena smiled at all the sights as she strode along the sidewalk.

"Can I tell her Dew?" Webby asked.

He sighed. "Sure. As long as she promises not to tell anyone."

"Don't worry, I'm the best at hiding stuff. Secrets are safe with me!" Something about the way she said it made it sound like there was more to the statement than face value.

"He's trying to find his long lost mother, and I'm moral support! He heard she might be on this island, so I gave Launchpad 70 bucks to fly us all here!" She finished with a smile.

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