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Dewey's heart was racing with panic, his life flashing before his eyes. "Oh my gosh, we're gonna die!" He began hyperventilating, frozen in place.

Feathry knelt down and shook him by the shoulders. "Relax! We're not gonna die!"

Dewey shook his head and shut his eyes. "No, we are! And it's all my fault! I should've just said it was me! And now uncle Donald is gonna get my brothers and we're gonna die some horrendous death!" He wanted to break down and cry but he was too panicked to do so.

"Well, was it you?"

"No, but-"

"Then you shouldn't have said it was you. Never take responsibility for something you didn't do, even if it hurts." Feathry smiled sadly at him.

Dewey took a deep, loud breath. "You're right, I just need to breathe, and then we can figure out a way out of here." Before he had even finished his sentence, his feet felt wet. He glanced down to see water rising from the ground. Feathry must have seen it too.

"OH MY GOSH WE'RE GONNA DIE!" Feathry yelped, jumping from foot to foot.

Dewey threw his hand in the air. "Not helping! We're fine! There's barely any water!" There was something calming about not being the only one freaking out. It was weird.

"Yeah, for now! But soon it'll be up to our knees! And then our waists, and then our necks, and then-!" He climbed on top of the hand statue, eyes stuck on the water.

Dewey bit his beak. First he had to calm Feathry down, and then they could get out. "Look, everything will fine. As long as we keep a cool head,we can make it out. Alright?"

Feathry took in a deep breath and nodded. "You're right. I'm being immature." Fear was still in his eyes, Dewey could recognize it, but he did a better job of hiding it.

Dewey discovered that the water was up to his knees now, so he climbed up by Feathry. "W-what's the plan?" Dewey asked.


"And, if we take a right here..." Louie smirked, leading the other ducks through the tunnel. Launchpad had refused to take them the right direction, but he would gladly let Louie lead aimlessly. "Then we should be..." The walked into and open area and Louie thrust his arm out proudly. Yep, he was pretty good at direction and seeing all the angles, if he did say so hims-

"Cool! We're back where we started!" Huey ran up ahead of the group, pointing to the sub parked in the water.

Louie stopped, letting his arms sag. "What! But this is," -he caught Launchpad smirking- "right we're I wanted us to go! Yep. All according to plan." Louie put his hands on his hips and hoped his smile looked convincing.

Webby set a hand on his shoulder. "Well, at least we can wait here until Feathry and Dewey get back. Maybe they found the jewel." She flashed him a smile and then joined Huey, who was sitting and kicking his feet in the water.

"Fine," Louie said under his breath, shoving his hands in his hoodie pockets, which was tied around his waist.

"Nice save," Launchpad said sarcastically.

Louie rolled his eyes. He was about to make a comment back, but the sound of voices stopped him. He bit his beak, listening. "You guys, I think someone else is here."

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