TFPoA22 Pt 3

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The lights turned back on. Louie shuddered. What the heck had just happened?

He looked around. Everything seemed normal, except Feathry was missing. "Uh, guys?" He frowned at his brothers.

Huey's eyes were wide and Dewey's helmet had a shocked expression. Louie noticed the coin had fallen back to the ground. He put it into his pocket for safe keeping, then turned to the other guests. They all looked frightened. "Uh... We are experiencing some technical difficulties! Staff meeting!"

Grabbing his brothers by the wrists, he dragged them to the room Huey had taken them to earlier. After closing the current doors, he turned to them.

"I think we have a problem."

"Yeah, no kidding!" Huey threw his hands in the air and began pacing. "You were supposed to make the coin disappear, not our cousin!"

"I have no clue what just happened!" Louie's heart began racing, worry and confusion filling his mind.

"You don't think he was kidnapped, do you?" Dewey said quietly.

"By one of the guests?" Louie put his hands on his hips. "Ridiculous, I know most of them personally."

"Louie, who exactly did you invite to this party?" Huey asked, raising an eyebrow.

Louie turned pink. If he told them that, he would have to tell them why too, something he didn't feel like sharing. "Well, you know, a couple people from here and there- Anyways, it isn't important!" He shook his head. "There's only one thing we can do."

"Keep this party going."

"Call the police."

Huey and Louie exchanged a glance after talking over each other. "I'm sorry, what did you say?" Louie raised an eyebrow.

"Keep this party going! We can't let people know something's wrong. We have all the suspects in there, what if we took the opportunity to make them think... it's a murder mystery party!" He smiled at Louie.

"Emphasis on the murder part!" Dewey said, waving his hands.

"That's a horrible idea, we should call the police."

"Please, I can figure out who it is! Just give me a chance..."

Louie raised his hands defensively. "I would but this is serious." Huey glanced around the room, frowning. Something tugged at Louie inside. I mean, could Louie really deny his brother the opportunity to prove himself? What kind of brother would he be if he said no? Just look at that face! The precious face of his baby brother. Louie sighed. "Alright let's solve a mystery."

"Thank you Louie!" Huey smiled at his oldest brother before leaving Dewey and Louie in the room.

"Boooooo!" Dewey pressed the button repeatedly on the keyboard.

Louie glanced between the blue triplet and the one who had just left. He face palmed. "Aww, he just tricked me again, didn't he?"

"Oh yeah," the keyboard said.

Louie rolled his eyes. "You'd think by now I'd be able to see through it. Come on, I guess." He waved for his brother to follow out the room.


Dewey was really sweaty. This helmet was really sweaty. This whole situation was really sweaty. Everything was just sweaty.

"Alright, everything's fine, people," Louie said to the guests. He waved his hands, trying to calm all of them. But they still seemed on edge.

"THERE'S BEEN A MURDER!" Dewey looked to see Huey standing on top of the mantle above the fireplace. The guests gasped and turned their attention to the red triplet. Dewey mentally face palmed. "In Savanna!" Huey threw his hands up in the air.

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