LCM Pt 3

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Screams echoing off the walls, Dewey raced through the tunnels underneath castle McDuck. The boys had split up to escape the monstrous cat. The monster had chosen to chase the blue triplet, the worst runner of the three.

Dewey was nearly out of breath, from both screaming and running. His webbed foot hit a rock, tripping him up. He stumbled to his knees with a yelp. Too many things were racing across his mind. Louie met mom? He met our mother! And he didn't think to tell either of us! Dewey shook himself. He had more threatening things to worry about.

The growl of the cat reached his ear. Dewey jumped to his feet, breath heavy. The beast prowled forward, teeth bared. Spinning on his heals, he turned back down the tunnel. It was blocked with rubble of rocks and wooden beams. He started up the mountain, trying to find some way through. In the back of his mind, he knew the cat was only getting closer. He forced himself not to look back. Finding a crack, he wiggled through. A tight fit, but the boy managed. He could feel the cat's moist breath on his foot just as he pulled it through.

Plummeting off the rubble pile, Dewey landed on his tail feathers. He winced, crawling away. A loud smash, followed by the cat bursting through the pile. Shards of stone and splinters flew from the mess, almost hitting the boy. Leaning forward, he hoisted himself back on his feet. At this rate, the beast would catch him soon.

"Huey! Louie!" he wailed, sliding around a corner. His expression was fear ridden. He had no clue if his brothers could even hear him from where they were. "I'm sorry! Please! Help!" Part of Dewey twanged with bitterness at giving Louie an apology, especially when he kept a bigger secret than Dewey had, but he could worry about that later. For now, he just had to worry about not dying.

Much to his dismay, he found his path at a literal dead end. Dewey began searching for some sort of button or trapped door. (Castles had those, right?) When he turned up unsuccessfully, he frowned. He pressed his back against the wall, watching the cat clumsily charge for him. "Aw, come on!" he shouted to no one in particular. Taking a deep breath, Dewey put on a brave face. If he was gonna die, it wouldn't be as coward. Clenching his fists, he held them up in defense.

"Hey! Bad kitty!" A rock flew from somewhere, hitting the beast in the ear. Distracted, it slowed its pace. It spun around, and there Huey stood. He glared at the cat, raising another rock. The cat snarled, prowling towards the red triplet. Huey threw the rock. "Get back!" Shaking its head, the feline moved backwards, hissing. "No one asked you," he said, as if he were having a conversation with it. Dewey joined his brother, taking a wooden plank and waving it in the monster's direction. The cat gave one last snarl before bounding off.

"Huey!" Dewey swept his brother up in a hug.

Huey did fist pumps in the air. "Yeah! Take that!" Dewey set him down. "Duck is not on the menu today, kitty!"

Footsteps followed by panting. Louie appeared at the end of the tunnel, worry all over his face. "You guys! That thing didn't eat you!" He came to meet them, a relieved smile on his beak. He held out his arms to embrace Dewey, but the green triplet was met with a hard shove.

"What the heck, Louie!"

"I'm sorry I didn't get here sooner, but it's not like I walked slow on purpose!"

Dewey shook his head. "Not that! You met mom?" Huey's attention turned to Louie expectantly.

Frowning, Louie rubbed his arm. "I don't want to talk about it."

Frustration boiled inside Dewey. He had spent the past several months searching for the mom they had lost only for Louie to have known her this whole time. Clenching his fists, Dewey raised his voice at his brother. "No, Louie! Explain yourself!" Huey stiffened, glancing between the two nervously.

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