The Love Letter

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This is like... bittersweet. And inspired by something I found on YouTube.

Enjoy c:


Gerard, looking pale and skinny, wounded up in front of Frank's house once again, a white envelope pressed up against his chest. His eyes, bagged and dull, overlooked the house.

He knocked on the door, handed his mother the letter, and told her to give it to him at midnight, the time that he'd commit suicide.

Gerard didn't want to worry Frank, just give him the letter and go. He decided that if the world just decided to hate him, give him problems that he'd never be able to endure, he'd end it himself.

Frank received the letter, and did what was told by his mother. Exactly 12:00 PM at midnight, he tore open the envelope and read the letter.

Dear Frank,

I'm sorry that this would be the last that you'd ever hear from me. But I don't want you to worry, instead, I want you to be happy.

You did the impossible for me. You made me smile at my darkest moments, laugh when I felt down, and feel loved when all I saw around me was hatred.

Don't try and call me- I won't answer. But I want you to know that I will be okay. I know I'll hurt you, I know I'm already hurting you by making you read this by god know what I've done, but I'm telling you the truth. I'll be okay, I'll be happy where I'm at but I know I wouldn't be happy without you. But I thought this was the best for us.

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