Where We All Get Away

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Okay, I'd like to dedicate this to @MoikayBae as they've requested this and I had to decipher everything into my own words so... yeah.

Oh, update on my love life; omfggonnaaskhimouttomorrowomfgsoscaredAAHHHHH


"Hey Frank, looking forward to get a piercing or something?" Your co-worker asks. He shakes his head, then replies with, "I'm actually looking for Y/N."

Popping out from the back, you wave and invite him to the back to discuss his tattoo that he thought about getting.

Frank, your fellow friend, has heard of this place from you, as you set up shop just about last year. Ever since you'd been booming in business, he's always sought for the one and only owner- you.

Every time he'd come back you'd light up, smiling at his return and ready to discuss his next tattoo.

"So I was thinking about doing my hands this time. I wanna put the letters that spell out BOOKWORM on my fingers when I fold them. Just in black ink, though."

You wrote down his idea, doing a rough sketch of his plan. "I think it's pretty cool. Lemme grab the equipment and all that, then I'll get started on it."

"Thanks, Y/N."

"Don't mention it. Oh, how's that band thing going?" You ask, dragging the bags that contained needles and ink over.

He clicked his tongue once and said, "I may be going on tour soon. Y'know, MCR got big last year."

As he clasped his hands together, you lined up the needle with his skin and pressed down, the ink blooming on his pale skin as he grimaced. "Oh my god, I'm so proud of you! Are you still gonna hang around?"

"Don't worry, I'm still getting all my tattoos done here. Mutual agreement, 'kay?" You nodded.



To: frnkieromustdie@mail.com:

Hey Frankie! I've been looking over your tattoo idea about your grandfather, and I'm really fucking excited. I've got the template done and everything- really! It's fucking awesome.

You sent the email, getting up and going out to get magazines for the shop.

"I'd like twenty packets of the L.A. Ink please, thank you." You say to the cashier. She nods and hands you twenty packets, to which you give her thirty bucks.

On your way to the shop, you look on the front cover of the magazine to see that Frank got on the cover to reveal his arm that had his new tattoo of his grandfather.

What the fuck, Frank? You think, ready to throw the packets on the floor. You suggested your new tattoo to ME. Then you go off and betray me for some other tattoo shop? Bullshit.

Opening the door and stomping your way in, you throw the magazines down then go towards your office.


"Y/N, oh my god, it's nice to see you after all this time! Being on tour sucks," Frank said, offering a hug but you don't accept it.

"What's wrong?"

You cross your arms, then give him a death glare. "That tattoo that you got- you planned to get it but you let someone else do it. What the fuck, Frank?"

"I'm sorry-" You turned around but he grabbed your arm and turned you back to him, hugging you. "I just missed you.

Relaxing a bit, you hug him back. "I missed you too."

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