keep me grounded.

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Alright, this won't be a full-on imagine. Let me explain why.

Several days I've been working on a new fic; I'm still working on it and I wanna see how you guys like the prompt.

So basically, this'll be a small preview of what you'll see in the new fic I'm gonna be publishing. I'm expecting it to be published at around month or two, deciding how I'll be able to do this, though.

This fic is a supernatural/super powers AU and takes place in the Revenge era.

So, let's get on with it.


I never actually thought of having a job in which I'd enjoy; I've always saw myself working in a small janitory area or if I'm lucky, a tiny office cubicle. But those were never fun. I wanted something that would put me on the edge; something that kept me going. Then I ended up getting it.

The guitar lessons that my dad taught me was put to good use when I got into Pencey Prep; now that I've gotten into my favorite band, it's my living. I played my instrument on stage for money. And it's fun, too. The part that isn't fun about this, though, are the road trips.

The road trips that lasted several days or even several weeks from one place to another were never fun. Including the fact that everyone that you're sharing the bus with is a slob, and just throws their stuff in separate piles of mold and sweat. Just kidding about the mold part, but sweat, for the most part, I'm not joking around. It'll cling to everything you own, even when you attempt to clean it.

During this time period, I feel inhuman; like I'm a homeless guy or something, because I'm surrounded in stinky stuff and haven't taken a shower in days. That's why, whenever the bus stops, I have the need to grab some clothes and jump off the bus and go look for a hose to wash myself down. This is usually at midnight, and being the insomniac I am, I just read or do some pointless thing like stare at the cracks in the wall to pass the time. Nobody would usually be awake at the time, well, mostly nobody. The only person that really stays up as late as me is Gerard.

Nothing really happens between us, though we do go back several years when I just joined the band. He spotted me from the crowd and thought I was a fucking giant; I was really just standing up on a stool because everyone there was at least 5,9. Me, I'm a least 4,8. I'm just about a midget's height.

The next few years on we were friends with benefits, but never do we dare kiss and tell. But hugging? The interviews caught on and tried to catch us hugging backstage. The only other people that know of our 'friendship' were Bob, Mikey, and Ray. Let me tell you; they found out the hard way.

It's a funny story, actually; one day Gerard decided to pin me on the wall in his room at his house because we were just messing around as I hid something down my pants. Okay, not just something, but his autographed Kurt Cobain guitar pick. Let me tell you; when he dug through my underwear trying to find it, that's when Mikey, along with Ray, walked in. I just told the story to Bob; but I don't think he cared nonetheless.

Our little friendship never really ended, but it did stop just for a little while because he started dating Lyndsey, but then shortly afterwards after they broke up, we just kissed out the pain he felt when he decided to break it off. I don't recall him ever saying having a crush on anyone else after the breakup. I don't even think that Lyndsey knows about us- we'd be screwed if she did. She'd most likely tell the press- I can see the headlines already. "Hot Lead Singer and Guitar Player from My Chemical Romance are Banging! Universe Blows Up!" Yeah. And we'd have no blackmail. Gerard could say that she has the saggiest tits in the world, but I bet that no one would listen.

Everyday I still dress up for Gerard, though, much for a battlefield. I remember him stating that he likes me wear feminine stuff; so I had taken a liking to dress gowns whenever I sleep with him. Which is sometimes quite a rarity, as there is no room in his bunker in the bus. Yes, I did just say that the bus is a cockblocker.

Speaking of the bus, the bus came to a sudden stop; almost throwing the book I held out of my hands. Clutching the book tightly, I got up. My legs wobbled, but once I had gotten my balance once again, I threw the book A Splitting of the Mind onto my bed, grabbing my pj's that hung on a shelf (don't ask why.) and started to head out of the bus when I heard a familiar voice call me.

"Aren't you up late as always," Gerard softly said. His footsteps padded against the carpet of the bus as he stepped behind me and whispered in my ear, "You do know that you are forgetting something? I don't know, something to dry you off? A towel, maybe?"

His warm breath tickled my ear and my neck, causing me to shiver as I turned my head to look at him. Smirking, I asked him, "Why, are you gonna watch me shower? Shower with me? Or, are you gonna be the one to dry me?"

"I was kidding, oh my god," He replied, smiling softly. "But no, I was just gonna give you a towel because you dropped it running down the corridor. Watch your step, by the way. And it's cold."

I pouted. "Awe, you aren't gonna keep me warm? You aren't gonna hug me as I hose us down with water?"

"I'd probably just chicken out and duck away. Hell no am I gonna go out there, it's probably snowing or some shit. You have fun with your negative-a thousand degrees water hose back there. Don't die from frostbite, because I probably won't save you," Gerard chuckled, walking away slowly as he headed for his room.

"Shut up! You know you love me!"

There was a second pause before he whisper-shouted back, "No, I don't!" Followed by intense giggling.

Smiling, I clutched the white, fuzzy towel that Gerard handed me, and opened the bus doors. He was right; it was fucking cold and a huge gust of wind blew in my face. Stepping down carefully to make sure that I don't slip, I walked over to the very conveniently placed hose and stripped myself from every piece of clothing besides my underwear and turned on the hose, proceeding to wash every part of my body.

From the very corner of my eye, I saw a small, wooden box sitting next to the fence where my clean clothes hung. Turning off the hose and getting into my new set of pj's, I headed over to the box and decided against taking it inside the bus. But it was strange; the box itself was strange. It drew me closer to it, forcing me to pick it up and carry it to my room.


So that's it. It's about a magical box and something else that's magical...


Hope you guys liked it, though.


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