The Ballad of Mona Lisa

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Requested by @flowerdean you little cute SPN fan you


"That's your que, Y/N," The instructor said. I stuttered, trying to form words when I really couldn't, let alone sing. "Why can't you sing? Is there something wrong?"

I shook my head, giving them an embarrassed grin. "No- no, it's fine. I was just... daydreaming. Yeah. Daydreaming."

"You can save the daydreaming for later after rehearsal," The others scoffing as we started from the top. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks before the music started again.

That boy that always turns up at our gigs, our rehearsals... he's here, again. With his little cute gray beanie and his glasses always on the tip of his nose, he distracted me.

No, not in a bad well. But I do suppose that any type of distraction is bad. He didn't do it on purpose, of course. The boy just sat there. Looking cute.

My friends said that I was obsessed with him, that I liked him.

What? Pfft, no.

I only have a tiny crush on him. No big deal.

Oh look, I missed my que, and the director told me off again. But the only thing that I'm really paying attention to is the boy. Call me weird, or obsessive, I still think that he's staring at me. Probably because I'm messing up so much. Well, it's his fault for being cute.

I started to blush, and this time I sang on cue. He smirked, staring down at his lap before looking up again.

Did he know that I stared? I know he did; that's what the audience does, after all.

"Not bad, not bad. We could do better, though. You all know that. C'mon guys, pretend as if there is a live audience in front of you." He nodded. "Hey Mikes, what'd you think of it?"

He shrugged. "I liked it. Don't go hard on 'em, Gee, come on. They're barely in high school."

"I suppose," Director Way replied. "Alright then. That settles it. Remember, don't forget about rehearsal next week, and I'll be seeing you guys tomorrow."

As Director Way continued to shuffle up his papers, everyone started to talk amongst themselves. One of my friends leaped up to talk to me.

"Still all goo-goo-gaa-gaa over Mikey?" Hayley smirked. I laughed, waving her off. "Are you ready for your hopes and dreams to get crushed?"

"What?" I said. "Don't tell me- he's married. No, he doesn't have a ring... He has a girlfriend? A boyfriend? That'd be hot, actually- don't mind me."

"Girlfriend," she said. "I do agree with the boyfriend thing being hot, just saying. But yeah, he has a girlfriend. Her name is.. Alicia?"

"Sounds nice," I said. "Her name, I mean. She sounds nice, is what I was trying to say."

"Wrong. She's a complete bitch," She rolled her eyed as she crossed her arms. "I don't even know what Mikey sees in her. Her boobs, maybe? That ass?"

"Who's ass?" Brendon peeped in. "Who's boobs? What? Is there a gangbang and I wasn't invited? You guys..."

"No, we're talking about Y/N's little crush of hers," Hayley replied.

"Bitch," I mumbled.

Brendon's face lit up. "Why didn't you say so? I've got my other two friends Patrick and Ryan if you need help with him. For now, I need to know who this special someone is."

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