Backstage Pass

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im so not used to writing things that aren't frerard. seriously, the only things I write about are phan and frerard. gay sex very much pls.

so with that being said, this is a frerard.

lol u guis luv me 4 da frerard, das what im known for


Fuck. Why does he have to be so fucking cute and absolutely THE one when he doesn't even know me? I'm just another nobody that got turned down by I don't know, five companies? Gerard thought, scrolling through tumblr on his phone as he slouched over on the couch, the TV droning on about how cats are deadly.

Mikey looked at Gerard, then back at the TV and said, "Dude. I know that you're into Frank Eye-ro and the Celebration but chill out. You're just another fan, and will always be another fan. There's nothing absolutely special about it."

"It's pronounced Aye-air-roh and it's Frank Iero and the CELLA-bration. Get your facts straight," Gerard said, scoffing. "And I know that I'm just another fan with some boring life. No need to shove it up in my face."

"So what else do you want me to do so that way you don't suddenly get a boner in public just by thinking about him?" Mikey replied, shaking his head as he changed the channel to Paladia, a channel where they stream concerts, sometimes live and sometimes recorded.

Right now, it was on a commercial about backstage passes being 50% off if you enter a code. "Look, how about this? You buy me a backstage pass for their upcoming concert and I'll stop bugging you with my constant fangirling."

"You'd hardly be able to keep your balance if you get there anyways. Next thing you know, I'd be picking you up from the hospital because you, my idiotic brother, decided to faint by the magical touch of Frank Eye-ro-"


"Whatever," Mikey rolled his eyes. "And-"

Gerard raised his voice. "Look, keep rolling your eyes and if you find a brain back there. Come on, Mikes. Stop teasing, I'm fucking serious."

"You'll just be gawking at his balls all day!" Mikey said right afterwards, as if he never spoke. "I bet he's not even gay, and he'll be disgusted by you."

"Says the guy that sucked his best friend's dick at a party," Gerard shot back, setting his jaw as Mikey's gaped open.

"That was because I was drunk!" His face flushed red as he continued to stutter. "Okay! I get the fucking idea! You want the fucking backstage passes! I'll get them for you as long as you stop being a nosey, condescending, self-centered cu-"

The door flung open, Ray walking in. "Hey, Mikey, Gee."

Mikey glared at him, his face still red as he greeted him before turning to me. "Fuck you, Gerard."

"I thought you said you weren't gay, Mikes." Gerard smirked, Mikey turning off the TV and giving him a death glare before heading to his room.


Gerard was dressed in a somewhat rocker getup, his hair only a bit teased as the black strands hung in front of his eyes, sometimes he'd occasionally throw it back.

He decided to put on a black leather jacket with a white long sleeves under it, he knew that it'd get cold at the concert as it took place outside. Complete with black skinny jeans and boots, Mikey drove him to the concert as he held his pass that hung around his neck that had Gerard's name printed on it along with his picture.

They stopped outside of the gates, and Gerard opened the door and was about to step out before Mikey stopped him.

"Okay, you know the rules. Don't fuck some chick, don't fuck a guy unless it's Frank, don't pick a fight, blah blah blah. Now go have fun." Gerard closed the door, grunting in annoyance before walking away, Mikey driving off.

The stage was huge; many people were already there for the soundcheck. A handful of people lined up at the curtain that, Gerard guessed, led backstage. He walked towards the curtian, his palms sweaty and his breathing hitching.

He waited for the curtains to draw open along with the others, a person with brown hair and hazel eyes looking over the small crowd as he smiled. He was clearly in his stage gear already, and his hair was pasted on his forehead from sweat.

Gerard felt like he was going to faint. Frank, upon scanning the audience, seemed to eye Gerard up and down, before complimenting his outfit.

He led them backstage, where everyone was getting dressed and warming up. Frank interacted with a few fans, continued to warm up in front of them, and even signed a few things.

As they were preforming last (they were the big act.) Frank, along with a few other band members, decided to hang out with the fans.

Gerard, who was apparently staring right through Frank's head, was regretting this whole ordeal. He couldn't believe that Frank was real, and that he's actually alive and talking and-

"Hi, I'd like to ask a question," Gerard said, watching Frank turn to him and nod, expecting the question. "Are you real?"

Frank giggled. It was a type of giggle that was high pitched, Gerard noted, and he remembered it being called a 'pot laugh'. "Yeah, well, sometimes I don't believe it either, but yeah, I'm real."

Frank smiled at Gerard, then looked around the crowd cautiously, then asked Gerard, "Mind if I ask you something? I- in private, of course."

Not saying a word, Gerard nodded. He, once again, felt light headed, the blood in his veins going cold as he followed him away from the crowd and into a closet; a storage area for what seemed like their instruments.

"Okay, let me just ask you one thing, but please don't freak out, pretty please?" Frank puppy dog-eyed Gerard, who nodded a silent yes. "I'm just gonna fangirl in front of you right now."

"Oh my god, are you that one guy who got turned down by about five companies but their drawings are fucking sick?" Frank said, clapping his hands like a little schoolgirl would.

"I-uh, what... Comic?" Gerard was unable to form a coherent sentence, so gestures would have to do for now. He nodded.

"Dude! You getting turned down five times for no apparent reason was put up on some news shit, I don't know where, I forgot, but I saw it. Your drawings are fucking awesome, and I just wanna ask you-" Gerard tensed up, then swallowed, his mouth as dry as sandpaper. "Can you- can you be our designer? Our merch designer?"

Standing still and feeling his body sway gently side to side, he fell backwards, everything going black.

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