Very Speshul A/N

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so... most of y'all know that I have a tumblr

say frerard smut if you do know that I have a tumblr (lol watch this have only 2 comments)

well, ill be happy to announce that I'll be making a new blog that takes in requests for one shots, fanfics, etc.

so you know this kind of stuff?

it'll be longer, better, but will take more time (but will have gay smut lol.)

this will still be updated every other day (be happy it's not every other month.) but can slow the process down of the imagines only quite a bit.

now, here comes the awesome part;

I'll be picking 3 people to be an admin/author of that blog.

what you have to do is simple; make your best one shot out there that are under these categories;






waycest (c'mon. some people like that)


friends -> lovers

character death

and of course,

supernatural abilities

disease, mental illnesses/physical illnesses

TV show related (like let's just say... lock!gerard (which is sherlock) and teen!frank or something. whatever floats your boat)

supernatural things in general

me, along with ONE trusty person (we'll find out who soon ;) ) will be judging the works as of to who we shall pick.

it doesn't have to involve all of them, heck, you could just do the rikey ship with a mental illness, I don't care

it just has to at least include 1-2 genres in your one-shot.


copy one's work. you will immediately be disqualified if you so happen to post the same thing as someone to me.

include anything that involves BDSM (if you don't know what that means, search it up.) regular kinks are okay, but BDSM- NO.

you know the rules about baycest

threaten us to give you a spot on the blog (ill block you if you try bruh xD)

include an OC x character ship, because the blog is for gay fan fiction only pls.

the ending date for this will be the 12th of April.

to submit one, just pm us saying that you've finished your one-shot, including the title, genre(s), and the date finished.

we'll reply "HBR" if we have read it. we'll mark down the ones we have read and will tell you by s few days after the 12th.

the title for your one-shot must include this;

[Title] One-Shot for Blog

Don't forget to list us the genre(s) that you wrote about, a brief summary of the one shot.

so come on x3 help a potato out here


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