Stage 4; Fear of Trying

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Once again based off my crush.


"Gerard?" Frank said, tapping on Gerard's desk. He had his hood on and covering his face with his hands. "Gerard."

He tried to reach for his hood to pull it down playfully, but was replied with his arm being smacked away.

Frank had the letter in his pocket. He was going to give him the note today, but couldn't do it. He was too nervous, hyperventilating at the fact. He was still going to do it.

The bell rang, signifying the end of class for that day. He yelled out Gerard's name, once, twice, three times, before he turned around.

"M-my friend told me to hand you this." Gerard snatched the letter from Frank's hand, to which Frank started to run off as he opened the letter.

Hey. I just wanted to write this on a piece of paper because I don't have the guts to tell you in person.

What Ray said was true- I have liked you for quite some time and I'm not forcing you to do anything. Hate me, ignore me, whatever.

I'll just sit here and deal with it.

- F.I.


By the way, this is the EXACT note I wrote down to give to my crush. What he acted beforehand was much like the way he acted before I handed him the letter.

Oh, and Would You Rather Wednesday is up.

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