Surrender the Night

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Close your eyes and imagine this;

Because your parents were off at a party, you were dropped off at your best friend's house, Mikey. It was a close decision, you were almost sent to your fake friend's house, Bert. When his parents denied, the only available option was Mikey.

You waved goodbye to your parents as you grabbed the bags from the trunk and walked up to the front porch, ringing the doorbell. Mikey's mom, Donna, answered the door and welcomed you with open arms.

Gerard sat on the sofa eating Doritos until he saw you. He popped up off of his seat to give you a hug, and of course his breath smelled of cheese.

Mikey came into the living room sooner enough, and gave you a hug as well. Helping you with your bags, he decided that it'd be best for you to share a room with him because you knew him for the longest.

"So, uhum, got any new friends lately? Anything happen while I was sick for a week?" He asked as he put a bag to the corner of his room.

You handed him another as you spoke. "Nah, but there's this new kid in our school, his name is Ray. He's kinda cute, just to be honest. He rocks a fro too."

Mikey looked down mid-sentence. "O-oh."

A few hours later, you had dinner, brushed your teeth and changed your clothes. The two of you were supposed to fall asleep, yet you never could. So, as a result, you and Mikey ended up talking about bands you were obsessed with and fanfics you have read.

"Dude, you know Panic! At the Disco, right?" You said. He nodded. "Well, there's this weird fic called the Milk Fic. I think it's about the singer and some guitar player in the same band fucking each other with milk."

He scrunched up his face in disgust. "You read it? Geez, you're becoming a hardcore fangirl. Not even I go that far with Green Day."

You got up and turned off the lights. "I know, I know. You know what? I'm gonna go to sleep."

Just as you sat down, he sat in front of you. Giggling, you stayed up for a little bit longer until this happened.

"No it isn't." He said, coming closer to your face.

"Yes it is." You said, following suit.

This continued until you were practically touching foreheads and your lips were an inch apart.

Randomly, he pecked your lips and quickly leaned back. Expecting an insane result, he kind of just head-butted the ground. You giggled and nobody spoke afterwards, an awkward silence filling the room.

You laid down onto the ground and curled up into a ball. "That was awkward."

"Yeah." He peeped, still sitting upright.

Closing your eyes, you tried to blank out and try to fall asleep.

Just at the brink of sleep, you felt something soft press up against your lips before pulling away slowly.

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