Thank You For the Venom

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Close your eyes and imagine this;

You've been having a really bad fucking day- rain soaked you to the bones, and to top that off, people give you dirty looks and even bump into you on purpose when you try to walk on the sidewalks.

All that you now wanted and craved for was to be in Gerard's shirt and sweater with cozy sweat pants, sipping hot chocolate in front of the T.V., explaining him what happened today at work.

Fiddling with the lock and finally opening the door, you knew something was wrong. You could just feel it.

The sounds of sobbing filled the house, and it so happens to come from the kitchen. Walking slowly towards the kitchen, you saw Gerard rocking back and forth with a picture covering his face.

As you sat down next to him, you tried to comfort him by rubbing his back and hugging him. You finally got him to calm down a little, and that is when you gently took the picture away from his hands. He didn't even bother to hold it back, and shoved his hands to his face.

You stared at the picture, a sob escaping your lips. You now understood what happened, and joined in with the sobbing, hugging Gerard all while trying to comfort you two.

Alone, waiting for someone to return.

Alas, nobody else was coming home.

The little brother that he had loved so much, that had smiled everyday would never be there to enlighten us all.

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