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Okay, though many people already know this, I'm just here for the people who don't have social media and all that jazz.

Gee has announced that he relapsed into alcoholism after the final album of MCR- but the thought of his daughter saved him.

He fell into a deep depression (possibly because he knew he'd have to make a decision- break up the band or break him.) maybe because he knew he had no ideas left- so he could have turned to alcohol and maybe, just maybe drugs. Good thing he didn't, though.

So he had made a decision. Break up the band.

Because of HIS DAUGHTER. HIS OWN DAUGHTER SAVED HIM. Lyn-Z plays a big role, and though I've hated her in the past (for very specific reasons.) I now love her and her daughter because she practically saved Gerard's life.

All of the recent songs that the others have produced now seem to make sense now.

"Let's laugh, let's laugh, let's learn to laugh at ourselves, again."

"I choose defeat, I walk away, and leave this place, the same today, some like to sleep, we like to play, just look at all that pain."

"Been weeks I been living, and your smiles are giving me all types of treble."

They now make sense, have a different meaning, fuck, they even speak to us differently.

Gerard, Frank, MCR, everyone, they've supported us. Now it's our time to support them.

MCRmy, please tell the others about this. Not everyone knows and THEY NEED TO KNOW. Whether they like it or not, they have to know.


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