Time Means So Much

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I'll tell you guys what this was inspired by after this imagine.



Whenever I'd turn around and see you smile right back, I'd grin and give an appreciative laugh. Some other days were much more different than others, though, as sometimes you'd ask me why I'd laugh and I'd just shrug, too ashamed of the real reason why.

Your pale skin, that had flaws in which I adored but you hated, had red splotches from rashes or cuts that you've gotten by your arm getting caught under something. You'd never want to harm yourself, you've said many times, as you thought that it was a stupid thing to do.

We trusted each other with secrets that haven't been told to a single soul; well, except for each other, now. Getting to know each other was a breeze, the fun after it making everything better. Many people already considered us to be friends with benefits way before this, some thinking that we're together. We'd be attached to the hip; unable to be seperated.

That is, up until that one incident that happened on Friday after our performance.

We headed for an amusement park, just for old time's sake, and when we hopped onto a ride that delved into darkness for about five minutes, I felt something soft and plush press up against my lips in the pitch black darkness.

Once pulling away, it took me a minute to realize what had happened before I opened my eyes, staring right back at yours, the grin reaching your eyes.

"I've always wanted my first kiss to be with someone I trusted," I said, your gaze meeting mine. "Like, I don't wanna just kiss someone and go, y'know? I want it to be special."

"Didn't you try to kiss your ex girlfriend when you two were alone in the dark?" Gerard replied, folding his arms on his chest and leaning back in his seat. "But then you fell over in her lap and she thought that you were going after her vagina."

I shook my head, laughing. "Yeah. I remember. Jamia freaked out and I ended up breaking up with her afterwards."

We both shared an awkward laugh, and continued onto the next topic.

I told you to give me your answer after the weekend, and the suspense was killing me. I didn't know what to decide; I knew that it was most likely a yes.

I was wrong.

You said to me, politely, that you do crazy things when you're just having the best time of your life, and that the kiss was one of them. You even offered to stay as friends. That's basically saying, "Hey look! We have a dead pet! Let's keep the corpse!"

Later in time, though, we drifted apart.

So much for a first kiss that actually meant nothing.


I know that I wouldn't bring up my love life ever again, but I might as well because I've been gushing out onto my friends yet they weren't able to help me.

Like Frank said he did, I had a first kiss the same way as said in the story. I gave myself a mental high five, as it was with the guy that I liked too, yet when I asked him out, the answer the next week wasn't something I was looking forward to.

He rejected me, and let me tell you; he started the kiss, he actually invited me to be in his group, and it doesn't matter how it just stops there.

Okay, enough gushing. I'm gonna continue eating ice cream in my emo corner now.


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