As Days Fade

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Close your eyes and imagine this;

I don't feel the same anymore, you text to your friend. I don't feel like the friend I used to be. I don't feel like I can help anyone what-so-ever.

Like those hobos down the street? He joked. You didn't laugh.

I would snap back at you, but I'm not in the mood to be sassy today. You texted. Your phone beeped immediately afterwards.

When you say that you're not in the mood to feel sassy, you know something is wrong. What's up?

I told you. I don't feel the same.

You looked over the bridge, feeling the wind blow against your face.

I know you don't feel the same, but please, bear with me. I know you've been planning to jump,

And at that, you stopped reading and looked around you, and four other people that you greatly recognized stood at your sides. You continued to read.

So if you jump, they do, too.

All four, Frank, Mikey, Ray, and Gerard seemed to stand at your sides. All four of your best friends, they'd throw away their life just for you.

And you felt someone hug you from behind, and you immediately turned around.

"Please don't. I swear, I'm sorry, I just didn't know what to do." Bob said, hugging you tightly.


I just noticed that Bob never had his own little thing...

Sorry Bob x-x


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