Falling in Love Will Kill You

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Close your eyes and imagine this;

~A Year Ago~

"Why are you looking at me like that?" You say, giggling as you pick blades of grass.

He smiled. "Because I'm looking at something beautiful."

You two hugged, burying your face into the crook of Frank's neck. He wraps his arms around you.

"We'll always be together, right? Like- nobody will make you leave me?" You manage to mumble into his skin. "I know I sound possessive, but I-"

"Don't worry about it. It'll never happen."

~1 Year Later~

You stomped up to him, pointing an accusing finger at his chest. "Now, you're a fucking stupid piece of shit, you know that right?"

"You leave me alone, you don't even bother to say hi, and now you texted me saying that you're getting tired of texting me? You know how fucking cold you are?"

"So what, bitch? What are you gonna do, cry?"

"I've been called worse."

"Your girlfriend."

As the others watched you make a scene, you walk off, your chest burning with rage.

The one and only thing you thought about for the next month was about how he lied to you, and all of the reasons why he could have lied to you.

But you knew that you were the best at ignoring others, cutting them out of your life.

So why was this one so hard?


So yeah, I'd like to not-so proudly announce that me and my boyfriend broke up and this was based off of everything that has happened.

I wanted to vent it out of my system and get the weight lifted off my chest because my other friends have been saying I've been acting more depressed than usual and, thanks to Robots_Afterlife, she told me that its best for me to take out my feelings on paper and not on skin. So thanks, if you're reading this ^^

So yeah. My life has been kind of depressing and I just wanted to make this because this is how I feel.


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