The Coffee Shop

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This imagine is dedicated to chubbydomo for being an awesome twat and cheering me up with a simple comment. Thanks, and here is your fluff!

Close your eyes and imagine this;

On a snowy day in New Jersey, you decide to stop by a Starbucks café for a mocha and the free Wi-Fi, all while cooped up next to an ice-cold window in a booth.

Picking up a pillow after taking off your gloves, you stare at strangers that struggle trying to move in the snow.

Taking a sip of your drink, you set the mug down on the wooden table. After doing so, you hear a small peep come from someone behind you.

"Hi... is there anyone sitting here?" The stranger asks, his grey beanie tucked over his ears and his glasses on the bridge of his nose. You nod, thinking that you're due for some company.

He smiles and takes a seat across from you, setting his cup of coffee only but a foot away from your mug. "So what's your name?"

"Y/N," You say without thinking. Questions flood your head, why did you willingly give a stranger, a cute one at that, a seat across from yours and your name?

"I'm Mikey, and I take it that you don't usually come here?" Mikey asks, looking out of the same window.

You nod. "I just come here when I want to, which isn't really that often. When I'm bored or just having a bad day, I like to spend a day alone, all by myself."

"So you're not here just for the Wi-Fi?" He smirks at his own joke. "Glad to know that I'm not the only one."

Smiling at him, you look down at your hands, now neatly folded. "I sometimes come here to just people watch, make up backstories about other people that I don't know and decide on what they're thinking and why they're there."

"So what's my backstory?" He cocked his head to one side, his attention drawn towards you.

"I think you're a boy that wants to talk to a lonely girl on a snowy day, and that you came here for the same reasons as her."

"You had a bad day." You both say in unison.

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