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Once again another song that goes with the chapter.


As they all went into the car they pulled out of the driveway on their way to the club where four of Esposito's men were going to be.

Once they arrived they got out and went into the club and up the stairs that lead to the VIP room. On the rounded long white couch sat four tall men and each of them was wearing a black suit.

The Aces had sat between each of the men, they all rested a hand around their shoulders as they sat beside them. After a few minutes of just talking they were headed out along with them.

Marcelo and three other men had taken Esposito's men in the back of the Cadillac. Once they got them in the back they drove to one of Elijah's warehouses that was nearby the club.

The men were thrown into a room and tied into the four chairs. Marcelo had unarmed them before the Aces went in.

Esposito's men were shocked and scared when the girls walked in with their guns and knives strapped around their thighs.

Walking into the room ready to threaten them to get information out of them the girls walked closer.

"So are you men going to tell me where Scar's shipments went or do I have to cut your fingers off one by one?" Says Spade.

"We don't know where it is." says one of Esposito's men as he smirks evilly.

"Let me cut one of your fingers off and maybe it will make your smirk fade away," says Asesina.

Asesina walks up to one of the men who had a smirk on his face and cut one of his fingers off after she had cut it off he was beginning to yell.

"So are you going to speak up now and tell me where it's at?" Asks Siege as she walks towards the men and squats down to reach another man's fingers.

"Esposito hid it at one of his underground warehouses in Brooklyn," says the man on the far left with his eyes shut harshly after yelling out his answer.

Spade walks up towards him and lays her index finger on his chin raising his head eye level to her and says "What's the address? or one of your friends will get killed right here right now."

Marcelo stood with a notepad in his right hand and a pen in his left hand waiting for the address.

"It's under the '8Ball' club in Brooklyn." Says the man on the far left as Marcelo writes it down on his notepad.

"You got it, Marcelo?" Siege asks looking at Marcelo who puts his notepad and pen away and nods at Siege.

"Ok Siege and Asesina. Let's finish this job and their unnecessary lives." Says Spade.

As Spade and Asesina bring up their gun from their thigh where the guns were strapped. Their weapons reach up to the men that sat in front of them. Siege was already behind one of the men with her knife already resting on one of the men's throats. The men had a gun pointed at them and a knife at their throats except for the man on the far left.

The girls aimed at the men in the center of their foreheads and shot as Siege slit the man's throat with blood gushing all over his lifeless body.

"You know I thank you for snitching but one thing is that I Do Not like Snitches," says Spade aiming her gun at the man on the far left.

Once she finishes her sentence she pulls the trigger. "Alright, Boys clean this mess up and head home afterward," says Siege.


After going through the files and calling for new designers I was tired. Marcelo had knocked on my door before I called out. "Come in."

Marcelo walked in with his hands deep in his pockets and sat in front of my desk. He clears his throat before saying. "They got the job done boss."

"Alright, thank you, Marcelo. You and the girls can go get your rest now." He got up and walked out closing the door behind him.

I aligned a few files that I needed to take a look at tomorrow and organized the ones I've checked in the cabinet. After organizing them I walked out closing the door behind me and walked up to my room. I sat in the middle of the bed for a long time thinking about what to do with the designers, the restaurant, and the staff from the hotel. It was all stressing me out.

I got up and went to my room. I had walked to my closet to pick some boxers and shorts. I laid them down on the bathroom counter and turned on the shower before undressing.

I placed my hands on the bathroom counter and looked up at the mirror the time showed '1:54', the mirror was getting foggy and that was when I got in.

After taking my shower I put my boxers and shorts on. I walked out and placed the towel on the couch that was placed right out the window. I walked across my room and lay on the bed. I couldn't sleep for a while.

I was fully awake with my thoughts running around in my mind. I decided to call my brothers and sister even though I know they would be asleep by now. The phone rang until the other end of the phone a voice was heard.

"Hey, brother." A voice that sounded to belong to a teenage boy called out. "Hey, Thorn how are you?" I ask wondering how he was doing.

"I'm good and you?" "I'm all good. I'm just trying to get this restaurant get done and for the hotel to stay in line." I sigh before asking. "Where's Elio and Celestina?" I wondered where the other two were.

"You'll get it done Sin I know you will and Elio is working on his stupid project." I heard another voice call out. "It's not stupid. You just don't know how it works now fuck off will you?" I laughed.

"Tell Elio I said hello." "Sin said hello Elio," Thorn says. "Move bitch. Hey brother how are you?" Elio pushed Thorn to get ahold of the phone.

"I'm all good and you?" I let out a chuckle. "I'm good. Just working on this project. And I think Celestina is asleep by now." I sighed.

"Oh, well you two need to get to sleep I love you both. And kiss Celestina on her forehead for me in a moment will you?" I asked.

"Also tell mom and dad I love and miss them both. Goodnight brothers I love and miss you both as well. Now go to bed."

"Move over Buco del Culo. Alright, Sin. Goodnight. I hope to see you soon." Thorn says. "Vaffanculo," Elio says before saying the same. I hung up before I chuckled. I went to sleep peacefully afterward.

Well here's the 2nd chapter I hope you guys loved it.
Follow my Aces in @ acexmxfia ♠️
Thank you for reading :)
Keep in mind "Scar" is Elijah's code name. ;)
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Thank you. 🖤
-Jenny (Scythe)♠️

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