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We had woke up the next morning and gotten ready for breakfast. We went to a small cafe shop where they served breakfast. They had a second floor where you could also sit and eat. There was a table by the balcony upstairs where Elijah and I sat. "Are you ready to order Amore mio?" He says smiling. "Of course mi Amor." I smile taking a look at him from behind the menu I was reading.

A moment later a woman came up to our table and instantly started flirting with my husband. She just stared at him and asked what he wanted. "Ladies first." He looks at me and smiles. The woman didn't even look my way. "I said ladies first or did you not understand?" Elijah grits at the woman who stands beside him. "What do you want?" She finally looks my way. I lift my hand onto the table which is when she realizes my diamond ring. "Do you have no respect?" Elijah grits again at the woman. "Call someone else to take our order." He says and dismisses her. She didn't leave as soon as she was told to. "Didn't you hear me?" He says looking furious at her and with that she left running to get another waitress.

This time a younger lady came walking towards us. She looked like a sweet person and indeed she was. "Hello ma'am may u take your order?" She smiles. "Yes of course." I smile and began saying what I wanted. "That's all for me, thank you." We both smiled before she switched to Elijah. "And for you sir?" She asks. He says his order and both Elijah and I give her our menus. "Thank you." She smiles and walks away.

"She's a sweet person." I say smiling. "Yes she is. Much better than that whore who attended us first." He says. "I agree." I raise my brows taking a sip of the coffee that we ordered before coming up here.

Once we waited for a couple of minutes the food came out and we began eating. "If you need anything please let me know." She says. "Of course. Thank you." I smiled and so did she.

We ate all of our food and everything was perfect and warm like it should be so before we paid we left a big amount of money for her tip. So when she came by we gave it to her personally. "We want you to have this for being an amazing waitress for us. Thank you for your service." I smile holding her open palm where lays 500 euros. I closed her palm and said "Thank you once again." With that we left to pay downstairs for our breakfast.

Waitress #2 POV:

"You won't believe what I just got tipped." I say to my friends who work with me as well. "How much?" My friend asks. "500 euros." I say happily before getting interrupted. "That should've been mine." Another waitress who attended the lady and man who I served just a couple of minutes ago. "You didn't serve them. They asked for a different waitress because you couldn't control yourself." I say. "You could've at least been a decent human to him and his wife." I say. "Yeah, whatever." She says before leaving the kitchen. "She's such a bitch. I don't know why she hasn't got fired yet." My friend says. "Yeah." I say ending our conversation.

I got back to work and later on head some cries in the bathroom behind the kitchen. I go to check who it is and it's the woman who was whining about the money I got tipped. "What do you want?" She cried. "What happened?" I ask. "I got fired ok?" She says angrily. I stood there in shock. "That stupid whore's man called our boss and told him about me." She cried out. "Is he here right now?" I ask. "Yeah. He's in the cafe." She answered. "Oh, sorry." I say. "Get out!" She yells making me move back.

I left the bathroom to continue my work. When I get called over by another waiter. "Hey Rome?" The man says. "Yeah?" I say. "Boss needs to talk to you." The man says. I walked over to where my boss was. He sat in a booth with a cup of coffee. Looking up he signals for me. Which I walk to his direction. "Sit. Please." He says which I take order and sit. "I want to thank you for being a kind person to our customers and I wanted to give you a raise and the position to be manager." He says with a smile. "Are you serious?" I say in shock. "Yes of course. Unless you're not ready for it?" He says which I interrupt. "No, no I'm ready. Please. Thank you." I smile big. Thank you to those kind humans for making my day.

𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐀𝐅𝐈𝐀 | 18+Where stories live. Discover now