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Welcome to a new chapter.
I hope you enjoy.
And thank you for those who's
read my story all the way to these chapters.
Also here is a new chapter with 6,060 words.🖤
Present: December


This was a very busy month from wedding planing to Rager, Scythe, and my birthday including Christmas. It was a lot of things going on but I really loved it all.

December 25

Today was Christmas. I had went Christmas shopping a few weeks ago to get presents for everyone. I was really happy since it was not just me and my family anymore for Christmas. It was now me, my fiancé, family, and friends all together.

"So I have the list of what we are going to cook for dinner tonight. So since we all agreed to help on dinner the boys will make the deserts and the girls will cook the food." I say walking into the kitchen where all the girls where.

The Ace's, Celestina, Ivy, Eli's mom, my mom, Aria, and I all stood in the kitchen getting ready to start cooking and setting up the house.

"I'll get started on the pasta." Says Arabella

"And I'll get started on the Tamales." My mom says.

Once all the girls started on all the food the boys began to decorate the dining room. They put up the tree and started to put up all the ornaments. Everyone got all the food ready so we started to place it on the dinner table. Once we all finished we had gathered up at the dinner table.

"I'm glad we could all come together as a family to eat today." Elijah says.

"And a special thank you to the women in this house who made this delicious food." Rio speaks up. Right after finishing his sentence he rubbed his stomach picking up a fork and digging into his tamales.

Everyone laughed before beginning to eat their food.  I was so full at the end but we still had gifts to open.

We all got up and walked into the living room. The adults sat on the couches and the kids sat on the floor ready to open their gifts.

"Kids may go first." Valentino says.

The kids began to open up their gifts with the help of the adults while a few minutes less by and the adults start to share their gifts to everyone else.

Once everyone had opened their gifts some had went to sleep after. While others stayed up for a while longer in the living room just talking and reminiscing memories.

"I remember when Heilos and I were kids we would climb on this tree and Brian would get scared because we were gone after coming back from inside the house. He always yelled out 'HEILOS? ELI? I'm not playing anymore where are you two?' It was always so funny. There was that one time where he walked under the tree and that's when Heilos and I jumped off and scared him." Eli chuckled.

"Ok but I almost died because of you two fuckers." Brian rolled his eyes.

"And that one time where Nyx and I were in the bathroom and you ran out and told mama that we were missing and the whole time we were brushing our teeth in the bathroom." Heilos began to laugh.

𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐀𝐅𝐈𝐀 | 18+Where stories live. Discover now